God Has The Power

I have so many times been asked about power, mainly people who state that they feel powerless.  My response is more often than not that "I don't have any power".  The longer I live on this earth, in this body and in this life the more I understand how little if any power I have.  After all what does it mean to have power?  For some it is attached to the amount of money they make.  If they make a lot of money then they feel powerful as though they have a lot of power.  My contention is that power does not come from the money you make but rather the empowered way you feel, having nothing to do with financial success or how big a home you live in.

Empowered for me means that I am doing things in my life that are not forced and doing things that make me feel happy and as though I am making a difference.  We are empowered when we do with what we have, are in gratitude each day and feel joy about the simple things in life like having a harmonious family.  Empowerment means that we are happy with who we are, where we are in life and what we have in life.  Empowerment means that we are living by doing our best and serving others along the way.

Power is an illusion.  People love to feel like they have power because in reality they are powerless.  They are in other words not empowered.  Their life is out of control where it means the most like at home or their relationship with others.  People who want more power and want to feel powerful are normally people who are not happy with life as it is: the simple parts of life like love, connection, spirituality and joy.  We believe that powerful people are rich or powerful people have everything they want in life materialistically, yet the real power lies in being empowered: when people do the things they are most happy doing and they are no controlled by money, a JOB or running about trying to find time to spend with their children.

Being empowered is when money and time does not control us.  Being empowered is when we are doing the things we love to do and we do things in a balanced manner, living life in a balanced way, finding balance between working and playing, responsibility and freedom.  Being empowered is much better than being in power.  Having power is only an illusion that makes us believe we are important and that our life is more meaningful than someone else's life: like our neighbor or our spouse. When we are empowered we are in our happiest place in life.  We spend more time connecting with our children.  We spend more time commuting with nature and breathing more deeply with each moment.  When we are empowered we remain unconcerned about status but rather focus more on how we can help others and live a full life.

Donald Trump is likely one of many examples of men we believe have power as is Oprah.  We have this illusion about these people with lots and lots of money, billions in fact, yet they are exactly like us. The only difference is that they have a lot of money and considered to have a lot of powerful influence, sometimes for good reason but usually for the wrong reasons.  Donald Trump is often criticized for wearing his comb over and made fun of because with all his money he could have some hair on his head and likely look better.  Apparently this is not one of his main concerns and like any of us he gets to decide what is important to him and what is not.  We don't get to make that decision for him or anyone else but we can make the decision to understand that we don't have any power.  God has all the power.  In turn we are empowered by God.


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