About Bruce Jenner

I am one of many who are proud of Bruce Jenner and others like him.  It took a lot of courage and guts to reveal his secret, one he kept for many many years.  I am very happy about this because this man will give others the avenue to open up and state their true identity.  Others will be able to stand up and be proud of who they really are inside and how they feel inside.  Bruce was a star athletic super star and if he can come out then we can come out too.  None of us ever have to suffer in silence or commit an act of suicide or hate ourselves for any longer.  No matter how you identify it does not matter because there are others like you and you are never the only one.  Even if you were Goddess is there with you cheering you on.  Be your authentic self is what Jenner has shown us all.  His children have shown their love and support for him and it is as it should be.  Like me his children love him exactly as he is and for who he is.  Yes and amen to that!

Being who we are is sometimes painful but only when we hide it and try to be someone we are not.  Being who we are in the long run is really less painful than coming forward and stating who we truly are in our soul deep inside our being.  Everyone is allowed to be who they are.  Everyone has the right to be who they are.  People may point fingers and Jenner the first time they see him made up and in a dress.  He is stating he is attracted to women and many are confused at this thought.  Not me.  I believe what he tells me.  He is living in that body and mind not I.  I won't judge him and I will accept everything he says because he has no good reason to lie.  He makes me so very proud and so do all the teens coming forward as transgender or gay or bisexual, asexual or other.  I am so glad that it has finally come to this.

I belong to a gay father's group.  In this group there are many types of men of different backgrounds and of different beliefs yet each one is a gem in their own right.  Each one has known the pain of having to let go of a love relationship with a woman they cared deeply for.  Each one has a different outcome to their decision.  I for one became a parent because I wanted to and because I was deemed worthy to be.  My children, as spiritual gurus would say, picked me.  I am happy they did.  I have two beautiful daughters and I am a gay father.  It makes no difference to them that I am gay, only that I am the dad they got.  They love me completely and without reservation.  When they tell me they love me I believe it.  When they tell me I am being too caddy I receive it, all be it with hesitation on my ego mind.

Bruce Jenner, thank you.  I want to thank you for coming forward and telling the world of your pain and new journey.  You are a beautiful person and you did a lot for this country in many ways.  There is still more to come my beloved and I wish you the most peaceful, easy and graceful path to your joy.  I am given, we are given more permission to be who we are.  Yes!  Who I am.  Yes!  Thank you, thank you and amen.


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