Five Things to Do When You Awake

This article is for people who are suffering from depression, anxiety or just sadness.  It is meant to help me to clarify things for myself while hopefully helping others who need to have a daily plan.  I truly believe that having a plan is a way to live a life that is difficult for some due to illness or other reasons.  There are some simple things we can do to ensure that we get through that threshold in the morning when we get up confused or feeling like we need some direction.

Here are some simple tips that might help you:

1.  Before you get up out of the bed set your intention aloud.  Say what it is that you intend in a positive and affirming way.  Your intention might sound like this: "I intend to live this day fully serving where God presents the opportunity for me to serve".  Or "My intention is to love myself and live this day fully and with compassion for myself and others".  Say it as many times as you feel you need to or until you feel like you believe it and are ready to get out of bed and begin your day.

2.  Write down at least two things you are grateful for.  By writing what you are grateful for you are saying that life is worth living and that you have things in your life to live for.  Things that are of good in your life.

3.  Sit quietly for a few minutes.  Don't do anything yet.  Sit on a chair or on your sofa or bed for a few minutes.  Let yourself get some silent time and still reverent time.  Time to be in your sacred space and time to quiet the outside noises and to speak to yourself lovingly.  Face the fears you are feeling and tell yourself that they are unfounded because they usually are.  Give yourself a little time to wake up fully before you brush your teeth or have a cup of coffee or a more healthy choice like a glass of water.  The stillness helps us to ground ourselves.

4.  Eat something.  Try to make it something healthy like a fruit smoothie or some oatmeal.  Start your day with a healthy meal and saying to your body and spirit that you are worthy by feeding it.  Once you have eaten something healthy you are now ready to start your day.

5.  You are ready to begin your day and to get ready for the day.  Dress in clothing that expresses the royalty that you are.  Use colors that express who you are and especially bring you joy.  As you dress yourself think about how important it is to put on clothing that is comfortable and that you feel good in.  Select each piece of clothing with intention and when you are completely dressed tell yourself that you are beautiful.  If there is an accessory that has meaning for you like a cross or a Buddha necklace put it on and think about the meaning it has for you.  Dressing with intention tells your inner person that you are important and that thinking about what you wear is meaningful.

Every day is not going to be easy.  There are going to be bad ones but if we take the time to do some self-nurturing things you will feel better immediately.  Take the time to start your day with intention and with loving care.  Get up in time to move through each step as slowly as you need to and so that you have plenty of time to be ready for your best day.  Know that there are many people who suffer from depression or sadness.  Don't feel ashamed that you are human and that there are things that are harder for you than others.  You are not alone.  By taking the time to go through these steps daily you are telling yourself you are worthwhile.


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