Two Days Of Hell

Today is the second day that I am ill with a fever, insistent coughing and super soar throat.  I guess it is my idea of hell hence my title.  I called my general practitioner and he prescribed an anti-biotic.  I feel a little better today, at least able to sit up and watch some TV.  I have no energy and no motivation to do anything at all.  It is strange how being ill feels helpless and changes our demeanor and our view of life, at least during the time we are feeling badly. It is hard not to be upset and down on ourselves when we are sick.  What did we do wrong to make us ill.  What are the things we should of done that we didn't do to stay healthy?  We wish we'd taken better care of ourselves better and we wish we'd not allowed stress to bring us down, knowing that stress will make us ill.  

Now that I am sick and I can't turn back the hands of time and so I am embracing where I am right now in this moment.  I am going to take this time to ponder what it is that I might need.  I go through the list in my head: rest, self-love, compassion for myself, juice, water, vitamin C and comfort.  As I write this list I realize how little water I drink and how little good fluids I take into my body.  It is time to take care of me and I am going to do everything possible to get much better by tomorrow which is Easter Sunday.  I have my granddaughters baskets ready and my daughter's Easter cards.  I truly want to visit them and spend that quality time with them over the holiday.

When we are sick it is an indicator.  It is a message to look closer at how we are living our life and the things we are needing.  It is a clear and concise to me that there needs to be a change in my manner of doing things.  Illness is a message to us that we are to make a shift that involves more self care and more compassion for ourselves.  We take health for granted but as some of you know I do not.  I think about my heath every day and every move I make, every decision I make effects my well being.  I know it and so I do my best to keep my surroundings clean, tend to myself and find a balance between social and responsible tasks.   Finding a balance in our life is crucial to our health and our well being.  Uncovering what we need is the other thing.  Listening to our body, our mind and our spirit is how we go from simple day to day existence to loving ourselves, cherishing the person we are.

These two days from hell as I started to call them are really not two days of hell but rather two days of good lessons learned.  A time to think about what is really important to do like take care of myself.  A chance to look at my health issue as an opportunity to unfold and grow.  A good time to love our self and to do the loving things we should be doing all the time.  Illness is a message to stand up and pay attention.  Illness is a time to look closer at how we are living our life and to step up in every category of our being.  And so these are not two days of hell, these are two days of self awareness.  These are tow days to prove to myself that I can love myself back to health and that I can do more to stay healthier.  In the end it's all a lesson of love.  At the end it is our spirit asking us to step up.

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


  1. Sending you light.
    Hoping for a healthy Easter with us.


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