"Don't Make Assumptions"

Don Luis Miguel is one of my favorite mentors and spiritual leaders of our time.  In his book the Four Agreements he gives us one life agreement which is "don't make assumptions".  It is sound advise from a man who has studied spiritual principles for many years.  Not only is is good advise it makes perfect sense.  Every time we take something someone does or says personally we make ourselves miserable because in essence we cannot stop people from having opinions of us and making assumptions of us.  In fact there are times when we are the person making the assumptions and by doing so we create this story that is usually false.  We assume people are out to hurt us.  We assume people are out to take advantage of us.  We even assume that others are out to break our heart.  We spend a lot of time uselessly pondering what others and thinking about us or that others are out to do us  wrong.  Nothing can be more harmful than to live a life of assumptions.  If only we could assume that everyone is out to love us and that mankind is really good.  That people are out to do good and that most people care about us.  If only we could assume that light will follow us and that joy is our destiny.  That would make our life so much more fruitful and fun.  Instead of thinking that someone is out to get us we assume that people are not inherently mean.  How wonderful a life that would be.

Luis Miguel Says "don't make assumptions" and I agree.  Don't make negative assumptions.  Don't expect people to do you wrong because in the end they will.  Don't expect others to cast a bad spell on you because then you will manifest just that. To assume as they say make and ass out of you and me.  It is right there in the letters of the word.  We make assumptions and then we make it true.  We make it our reality when it is not our reality.  We personalize something someone  says and we own it when it does not belong to us.  We are much better off not assuming the worse but rather assuming the best for at least if we focus on the best we may very well get more of it.

When I was a child I assumed I was weak.  Kids use to pick on me and call me names like "sissy" and other choice names.  I believed them and so I found myself dodging kids in the hallway and not making  eye contact with them.  In fact, I put my head down when I would pass them in the hall or playground.  I assumed I was the weak person they told me I was.  I assumed that the things they said about me were true.  I was a "sissy" and I was weak.  Finally at 14 in my first year of high school I made friends with people who cared about me and would remind me of how beautiful and worthy I was.  They were even ready to defend me against the bullies.  It was then that the faith of others reminded me of my own value and I was able to hold my head of and not be in fear of the bullies.  Suddenly they had no more effect on me.  I started to see my value and not assume that what they  thought of me or I thought of them was true.  Then they no longer had power over me and I felt sure that who I was meant something important.

Assume that you are great.  Assume that you are worthy.  Assume that you are a gift.  Assume that you are worthwhile and worthy.  Assume that you are beautiful.  Assume that others are good.  Assume that you will experience greatness and light.


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