Is It Bad News?
A few days ago I was told I would need another operation for two hernias on my abdomen. To make matters more severe my insurance may be cancelled at the rate that I am paying now to possibly double or more. I must now work fast at getting a CAT scan of the area and getting the date set for the operation. The doctor is saying is it serious and all I could think to myself was "isn't every operation serious?" In my mind I listened and pondered the question: "Is this bad news?" and what came up for me was that life will hand me as many situations as I need to address and that this was one more. For me every single one is a test of my faith. As casual as it might seem I could not allow it to keep me from continuing on my journey that includes moving, financing a home, arranging to pack, arranging a mover and possibly a storage unit topped by a divorce. Then as life would have it, a good friend is diagnosed with a serious illness. Bad news is ...