Material Things are Material Things

I have to reconcile my feelings and make a shift in how I see material things.  Not one thing that I own is worth my joy and what I must remember is that although I take great care in all the things I purchase for my home, many people do not.  I carefull select the colors on the walls, the sheets on the bed, the decorative pillows that say Love and Dream and even the lacquered trays in orange and white.  Every single object is meaningful to me yet now I must detach and this is a good lesson for me.  Material things are important to me but they must not be more important than my well being and my inner  peace.

We have become attached to our BMW's and our SUV's to the degree that if someone scratches our car or dings it we would be apt to get into a fight with that person, all be it that he or she did it by accident.  The acute and unreal attachment to these objects is frightening and say a lot about who we are.  We claim them even when they are not paid for yet.  If we lose them we feel like a limb has been cut off of us.  It's not that serious.

When we grow in life we understand that the material stuff needs to take a back seat.  One needs to understand that family, friends and joy come first and that no material object will bring that kind of importance and happiness to our lives.  This is a hard one when you live in the Gold Coast of Elgin and you have six bedrooms and four baths in your house.  That kind of status does not come easy and we hold onto it for dear life, even if we have to work 15 hours and day and travel to work for two hours.

As time passes in my own life I have learned that there will be material things I must let go of and that there needs to be room made for more important things.  As I take this journey I ask that you take yours as well.  Take the time to look at all the things you have and which things you don't need.  Take the time to give others a table or desk that you are not using and is sitting in your basement.  Get rid of all the clothing you are not wearing and that does not fit you anymore.  Make every move to detach from some of the material things that are weighing you down.

I am inspired by someone who proved to me that he or she did not love me.  In fact, more than one person.  I am inspired to share what I have because of their cheap behaviors.  I am inspired to give what I don't need and what will never take the place of two wonderful kids.  I am inspired to become more of who I am by letting go of things and making room for love.


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