The Successful Woman

As many of us have known a successful man is a brilliant man and while a successful woman is often referred to as a lesbian, selfish or a bitch.  Some might even dare say that she must have slept her way to the top.  We have heard it all have we not?  In the end the issue is really that we don't think successful woman are equal to men because we don't pay the same salary for the same executive job. In fact it is not an accident that woman who are successful are successful.

A successful woman:

1. Does not see the difference between herself and any man working with or around her.  She sees herself as his equal and she is right about that.  Any woman needs to know deep inside herself that she is as smart, as tactful, as innovative and creative as any male.  There is however a difference between her and a man.  A woman has that great advantage.  She is a woman.

2.  Is not intimidated by any man.  A successful woman is not the least bit intimidated by men.  She can sit in a board meeting and be able to hold her own.  She can be a woman, dress like a woman or wear a suit if she likes.  She does not need to curtail her feminine or her masculine energy so that others can consume her as if she were a product.  Successful women don't need to play a role but moreover be more of who they are.

3.  Open their own business and become their own boss.  Many women have done this by inventing a product or thinking of a unique business to offer the public.  Women are very creative and have made millions on items like: spanks, a book series and in buying and flipping homes.  They can and do the very same things that men do to make money and can do it as good if not better.

4.  Is not afraid of hard work.  Women who are successful are not afraid of the work ahead of them.  They, like any other person will work ten hours a week doing what they love and what they believe in.  They are not satisfied with a nine to five job and a forty hour week.

6. Are not fearful of taking risks.  These women are fearless and seem to have a truly bold way of living and doing things.  They don't believe the myth that being too risky is taking too much of a chance.  They take the chance and they will do so over and over again until they get results.

7.  Do what they feel happy about.  Success comes from doing the things you love to do and successful woman know this.  They find a talent and they find something they love to do and create a business from those desires and what brings them joy.  A woman of success will do what is aligned with her happiness.

8.  Has a plan and follows it.  She does her homework and she gets the help she needs to draw up a business plan.  She holds herself accountable and does what she states in her plan.  She has a mission and a vision.  She follows it, does the research and the self-work and lands on her feet.  A successful woman has a specific plan.  She does what she says she's going to do and does not get deterred by anyone.

I hope these tips help all those women who are destined to be successful.  None of these tips are unique or different.  In fact, they are the same tips for men as women.  The difference is that many women believe that they cannot be successful business women or be lucrative or as successful as men.  For many women that is where they need to start, by de solving the myths and stereotypes that are laid upon them, usually by men.

It is not about having bright teeth, the right lip gloss, a designer dress or the right hairstyle.  It is not even about the "right guy".  All of these are useless if you don't believe in yourself.  The reality is that  the media has sexualized, demonized and disrespected women to the degree that there are young women who believe the very myths that hold them back.  It is time to reveal this and time for all women to take their place in business and on the earth.

What are you thinking?


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