"It's So Ugly It's Pretty"

"It's so ugly it's pretty" was a saying my grandmother used in Spanish.  I think it meant that the person or object is so different and unusual or unique that it's beautiful.  Now I know from experience that people who don't fit the cookie cutter physical features are quite beautiful.  It is the same with home decor that I have seen where a person puts an antique saw inside a vase with flowers or my one friend who has a home filled with objects she found or were givent to her or she made.  I wish you could see what a picture of her home looks like because it is beautiful and filled with color and brightness.  There are objects that have scarves draped onto them and then there is a vodoo doll mobile made from dolls that a friend of her's made.

Not everything that appears to be pretty is.  There's another meaning I derived.  Not everything that looks ugly is ugly.  See how I found other meanings in my grandmother's words?  This is life and life is not always about all the pretty things or what the mainstream consider pretty.  So here we go again: "It's so ugly it's pretty".  It may appear be ugly but open the box and look inside.  Get to know the person and you will see something pretty and wonderful inside.  Let what is different and odd to others have a chance to be your friend.  See the beauty in those things other people might say is ugly.

There is a house in Elgin that is off of Highland avenue.  It is very very very small.  In fact it looks almost like a little home one would build in your back yard.  On top of this it is bright bright purple.  A color you might see on a little girls walls in her room or a color a little boy's toy car would be.  I mean bright.  After seeing this home several times by passing it by on the way to a friend's apartment I had been taking pictures of all the beautiful homes in the Gold Coast of Elgin where mansion like homes are abundant.  I have decided to do an exhibit of them in frames at an art gallery.  I added the purple little house to my array of photos.  What I am willing to bet is that someone will find that home more beautiful and interesting than all the others that likely cost millions.  "It's so ugly it's pretty".

I was in a store the other day and there was a handsome young man in it as well.  I shared with the owner of the store that the purple house on Highland was so ugly it was beautiful.  The young man looked up and laughed saying he'd never heard anyone say that.  He was so intrigued by this saying of my grandmother's that I was filled with happiness.  Someone had learned something new via my grandmother who has been gone for many years but will live on in my heart forever.

What in your life looked ugly that turned out not to be?  What has happened in your life that seemed bad that turned out good?


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