Is It Bad News?

A few days ago I was told I would need another operation for two hernias on my abdomen.  To make matters more severe my insurance may be cancelled at the rate that I am paying now to possibly double or more.  I must now work fast at getting a CAT scan of the area and getting the date set for the operation.  The doctor is saying is it serious and all I could think to myself was "isn't every operation serious?"  In my mind I listened and pondered  the question: "Is this bad news?" and what came up for me was that life will hand me as many situations as I need to address and that this was one more.  For me every single one is a test of my faith.  As casual as it might seem I could not allow it to keep me from continuing on my journey that includes moving, financing a home, arranging to pack, arranging a mover and possibly a storage unit topped by a divorce.  Then as life would have it, a good friend is diagnosed with a serious illness.

Bad news is a matter of how we handle the news.  What we go through in life is as serious as we make it.  We can hate the situation and hate the people who share the news with us.  We can worry about who thinks what of us and our situation.  We can run but eventually we cannot hide.  We can continue to think we are smarter than Source but we find out early that we are not.  Life will hand us more and more things to overcome and each time we make it we are closer to knowing that there is a reason we are still here.  When we ask that question: "Is this bad news?" we must then decide that all news is just news and we don't need to evaluate it as bad or good.  We can simply think of it as news and that this is an opportunity to find that place inside where we can stay in touch with life.  It is just a test asking us to either say yes or no to life.  So far I have said yes and so have you if you are reading this.  The thing is we have all overcome something at some time and every time we thought we'd fold we did not.

I am breathing and so that is good news.  I am writing this blog and that is good news.  I am living a life full of joy and sorrow and that is great news.  I am feeling my feelings and I am connecting to those I love.  My heart is in  love with the other parts of me.  I am desperate and yet I am full of life.  I have a hernia and need an operation but that does not mean it is over and that does not mean it has to be had news.

I will live as long as I am to live and as long as I am alive it means my life has meaning.  It means there is something I need to complete.  As each of us lives life we must know this: No matter what happens to us when we are breathing we are living and when we are living we must continue to do what needs to be done.  Life is a gift.


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