How to Boost Your Self Esteem

The only person who can rasie our self-esteem is ourselves.  The only way to do that is to feed ourselves loving thoughts and doing things that say we love ourselves.  Living a good life is not always easy when you are thrown curve balls but we must know that curves are normal.  We can do things that will raise our level of self-love and think better of ourselves but this must be done on an ongoing basis.  Here are some self-esteem healing acts that any of us can practice:

1.  Let go of the should've.  Do what is possible for you to do and what you love to do.  Focus on the things you can do and have done rather than those that you have not.  Focus on doing things that bring you joy and that you know that you do well.  Do not be down on yourself for the things you or someone else thinks you should be doing.

2.  Figure out what you need most and do things to meet your own needs.  Put the focus on yourself and those things that you need for yourself whether it is cooking a great meal for yourself or doing things that are fun, fulfilling or right for you.

3.  Have goals set.  Be easy on yourself and do things little by little.  Do not overwhelm yourself with huge goals but rather set realistic goals.  Take things in small increments and one small step at a time.  Meeting your goals will raise your esteem because accomplishing things raise your level of self=satisfaction.

4.  Make your self talk positive.  Say things to yourself that are good and that are kind, loving and accepting.  Raise your own level of self-worth by sending messages to yourself that are loving.  Remember that talking to yourself in a good way will raise your level of self worth and is the only way to raise your vibration.

5.  Put yourself in situations where you will expereince success.  Do some things that will result in a product or a result that is good.  Make things with your hands or do something that you like to do and do well.  The more success you achieve the better you will feel about yourself.

6.  Try new things and jump out of the box.  Do new things and take a chance.  By doing things you have never done before and being good at it will make you feel better about yourself.  Taking a chance and then finding out you can do it will raise your level of self-worth and will show you that you can accomplish things you'd not think you could.

7. Do not avoid issues.  Face them as best you can.  Think about what would be a good first step to solving an issue or problem.  Face things head on and just think about the fact that you are doing your best.  The more you avoid something the more bad feelings set in.  If you need help ask for it.

8. Rely on your own opinion of yourself knowing you know who you are.  Believe you are a productive and good person and don't rely on what others think of you.  Build your self esteem by telling yourself that you have some wonderful character traits and write them down.  Remind yourself that you are a wonderful persona and deserve to be happy.

Life is work and is especially self-work.  It is about doing things that lift you up and doing so on a consistent basis.  Constantly remind yourself how important you are and how much you mean to the universe and your gifts.  It is a powerful thing to do the things that lift us up without regard for what others may think.  There are many people in jail who when released just end up right back inside the jail but then there are others who realize their value no matter how they were mistreated and judged in prison and do amazing things in life.  We are capable of doing great things if we simply decide to do so.  Focusing on what is good and valuable about ourselves will promote a feeling of self-love, self-nurturing and self-worth.  It is up to us to love ourselves and not anyone else's.  When we love ourselves others will see it and be more willing to love and respect us knowing we are valuable to ourselves.


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