Buddha & The Cause and Effect Law

The only thing that may be cause for pause in life is that what comes around goes around and life is based on cause and effect.  What we do here on this earth we pay for on earth is how my grandmother use to put it.  Plain and simple we get back what we put out into the universe and if what we put out is unkind then that is what we will get back.  In Buddhism the law of cause and effect tells us that what we do will have an outcome based on what we do.  If we do good it will result in good and if we don't it will cause a bad result.  It is just how life is.

I am saddened when I think of how many people in the world don't understand or live by the premise that what they do to others will come to get them later.  I am more saddened at the fact that some do things in this world that are absolutely cruel and upsetting to others peace and serenity.  There are many non-believers, people who don't believe that what they do will eventually have a consequence.  Those who don't understand the law will do things without fearing the consequence, yet most of the time they will hear the voice of reason, the one that will tell them that what they did was truly wrong.

If for no other reason but to create a positive energy around us we should all abide by the law of cause and effect.  What we say and do to others does come back to us.  How we behave in life is directly related to how our life and how life reacts to us.  We have the option to behave lovingly in life, towards ourselves and others.  Finding ways to live life in an energy of love and compassion is truly the path to the the Buddha hood as it is often referred to, that place of serenity and of living a life that opens hearts while opening up our spirit inside.

I am a person who prays and a person who believes in meditation.  I have had a beautiful life and at 61 I feel as though I have lived fully.  I have the understanding that I have self-work to do.  I feel that the work that I do on myself will help me to connect with the earth, with God and others.  I have made so many mistakes that I could not count them.  As a result I have known the pain of cause and effect.  I smoked and got cancer.  I took too much and then others took too much from me.  I understood then and understand now that all that I do matters.  All that I do had and still has a result either negative or positive.

Opening up your heart will bring you to a place of knowing that the love your give you will receive.  All that matters in life is that we do our best.


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