How to Love Your Life ( 8 Ways )

Who said life would be easy?  I use to dislike that phrase but now I realize more and more that my life is mine to own and that accepting the up and downs is normal and a kind of "necessary evil".  Who doesn't want to love their life?  I know that I do have the power to be in a place of love around my life situation whether it is perfect or not.  What we must know is that no one's life is perfect.  Here are some tips to living a life you love more:

1. Accept that this is the life you have, embrace it fully.
Understanding that this is the life you have here and now and being OK with it is crucial to maintaining your happiness.  In fact embrace your life as it is fully knowing that this is all you have in this moment, making the best of it.
2. Don't waste your time complaining or feeling sorry for yourself.
Feeling sorry for ourselves is a waste of time and energy.  When you begin to feel sorry for yourself stop thinking that way.  Tell yourself that it will not do you any good.  Take a step back and tell yourself that the complaining Will not help at all.  Practice this until it works.
3. Stop the worrying about something or things that have not happened.
We worry a lot and only to find that we get the same results.  Nothing at all.  In fact when we worry enough we could manage to create more issues and things actually come true that we would truly like not to happen.  Besides what we usually worry about does not happen most times.
4. Do some of the things you love.
Do things that you enjoy.  That is loving your life.  Loving your life is about doing some of the things that you love to do: dancing, singing laughing, biking, swimming or simply getting an extra day off of work.  We are not going to find our life fruitful unless we do things that we love to do.  Do so and do it often.
5. Live in the moment making the best of what you have in your life.  Stay connected.
Life is about staying aware and connected to the things around you and the people around you.
6.  Think about what it is like for others in really critical situations and send them light, feeling gratitude that you are not starving or in a third world country where they are starving and struggling for freedom.
7. Stay in your center and in your heart as often as you can.
Remembering that love is all there really is reminds us of how important our life is.  Remaining and keeping the focus on our heart helps us to stay in love with our life because life is all we have.  When we stay in our heart we remain in our center and in turn we stay in a loving place.  We value our life.  We know how precious life is.  Staying in our hear center helps us to stay in touch with our inner spirit that tells us we are worthy of love.
8. Take responsibility for your life.  
No one is responsible more for your life and loving yourself than you. In fact you are completely responsible for your life.  When we take responsibility for our life we love our life because we know we have a responsibility to ourselves and those we love.  Believing that you will love your life more when you are in love with someone is asking someone else to be responsible for your life.  That never really works.  Self love is the only love that endures all the tests in your life.  Take responsibility for your life and loving your life.  Soon you will find that your love is dependent on nothing outside yourself.

How do I love thee?  Let me count the many ways I can love me.


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