How To Block Negative Energy

There is likely not a sure way to always avoid negative people and negative energy in our life, but there are some things we can do to block as much of the negative things in our life to be in our happiness and enjoy life.  Nothing can stop people from saying things to us that are negative or hurtful and there is sometimes nothing we can do to keep all of the negative things that can happen to human beings from happening to us.  Still there are some basic ways to keep negative energy from overwhelming us or taking over.

1. Stay clear of people who are negative: 
It seems like a logical solution but many times we feel stuck with people who are negative.  As much as it is humanly possible we should make every effort to stay clear of the people we know are negative.  Avoiding people who are negative will help keep our own  positive energy in tact.  We may not be able to stay completely clear of negative energy but we can do our best to take in as little of it as possible.

2. Participate in activities that bring you joy:
Do things that make you happy.  Doing happy things and being involved in self-loving things keep negative energy at bay, away from your daily thoughts.  Stay involved in things that are fun, interesting and stimulating and the chance of negativity is lessened.  Finding something to do when you are feeling blue helps us to clear the negative energy.

3. Take an inventory of yourself and address your own issues:
Be honest about yourself and your own character defects.  Take an inventory to determine what in your life needs an application of nurturing, love or attention.  It may be that you are due to see a therapist or begin a practice of meditation.  Taking our inventory is not so that we can feel badly about ourselves but rather that we just be honest about what we need to do to make our life a more loving life.

4. Stay away from places and situations that you know are negative: 
We know deep inside where we go and what we do that has a negative effect on us.  For some it is a bar where we may tend to drink too much.  For others it is family reunions that end in a fight every year.  There are even those of us who would do well to avoid visits to our parents home where we are triggered due to negative comments and ill mannered treatment of us.  Even a job can be something we need to avoid or quit because when we are there we feel nothing but pain, stress and negative behaviors.  Staying away from places and situations that only end in a negative experience is key in blocking the negative forces in our life.  It is equally as important to find situations that effect us joyfully.

5. Start a daily gratitude list:
In order that we recall the beauty in our life it is good practice to write down what we are grateful for every day.  Start a journal book and record what you are grateful for every day.  Thinking and writing about what we are grateful for will keep the darkness at bay.  We get more of what we focus on and by focusing on our blessings we will get more of that wonderful energy.

6.  Put things into perspective, remembering that it's how you perceive it:
Everything in life depends greatly on our perception, how we see things and how we consume it.  Take the attitude that things will happen and that this too shall pass.  You have been able to resolve many things in your life and you will continue to have the ability to solve others.  How you look at situations make a world of difference.  If you look at things as doom and gloom then that is what will happen and what could of been OK turns into an ordeal.  We can look at things that happen one of two ways: A: Disaster B: A Situation we can solve.

Blocking the negative energy is not always easy.  There are legitimate reasons to be upset and to feel doomed.  The fact is that looking at things with doom will not serve us and in fact will facilitate more of it.  Being with the right people and doing things that are right for us make it so that negative energy cannot prevail.  Your perception and your inner messages will help you to address things in life that are bound to happen.  Letting go of those old stories and situations will help you to live a happier life.  


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