How Do You Love You

The question of how much we love ourselves is one that we will repeatedly talk about because it is  well known fact that self-love is likely more important than being loved by someone.  The trouble is that most of us believe that being with someone who loves us will complete us when in fact this is the furthest thing from the truth.  The truth of is that loving ourselves is the key to real love,  a love that is long lasting.  In order to love ourselves we must first believe that we deserve love and that finding someone else to affirm we are worthy of love is in fact not the enduring kind of love.

Here is some food for thought:

1.  Believe you deserve to love yourself: 
You must first believe you deserve love and that loving yourself is not a selfish act but rather where love begins.  The more we understand that love comes from within us the less dependent we will be on others loving us or accepting ourselves.  We all deserve love yet there are many of us who believe we don't for a variety of reasons one of which is another person telling us  or demonstrating to us that we are unworthy of love.  Enduring love is the kind of love that comes from inside of us and that is supported by the belief that we are love.

2. Take time for yourself only: 
Be selfish.  Take the time for yourself to heal, live and experience new things.  Take time for yourself even if you are in a relationship, especially if you are in a relationship.  Taking time for yourself demonstrates that you can function lovingly without a partner and that there are times when it is healthy to go it alone, whether to a movie or a short vacation alone or with friends.  It is important to show yourself that you can enjoy life by yourself.

3. Accept nothing but the best: 
In your life it is imperitive that you accept only the best in your life.  This means you don't have any one  in your life that does not think highly of you and treat you with compassion, tenderness and love.  It is the same when it comes to what you eat and what you put on your body.

4. Affirm you love you every day: 
Make up an affimative statement and recite it often.  Make it about love and make each day a special occassion that affirms your love for yourself.  An affirmation of love can look like this: "I love the person that I am, completely and with all my heart.  I deserve to be loved, I am love".  At times when you are down on yourself or someone else makes you question your love, your affirmation becomes more important than ever.

5. Surround yourself with love: 
Making sure the people around you are loving is a basic part of growing in your own self-love.  When you are around unloving and unkind people it will make you question your value and your deserving love.  Avoiding unloving or cold people is key to maintaining your inner love, the love that you deserve.

6. Don't expect someone else to complete you: 
Waiting for someone to love you into loving yourself is like driving a car and letting someone else steer it and control the gas pedal.  Don't expect someone else to love you so that you can justify loving yourself.  We do not need anyone to love us so that we can love ourselves.  We may think this to be true but it is completely false.  Think about it.  Someone else loves you but you don't love yourself.  How does that work?  It does not.  You must love yourself first and no love from others is going to convince you that loving yourself is important and in fact imperative to living a happy life.

How do you love you?  What are the things you do to love you?  Do you surround yourself with loving people or ones who are critical and shame you?  Do you believe that someone has to love you in order to feel you deserve to love yourself?  These and many other questions about self love will teach you that love comes from you and that the value of love has nothing to do with others.


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