Be Who You Are !!!!!!

I am not alone in having stayed in a relationship so long I lost who I was.  I had no identity and my soul was killed.  My spirit became a shell almost as if it did not want to be touched.  I was fragile and I was in a state of mental illness eventually that defied any logic.  Today I am happy to say that I am finished hating Elliott and have been for about a year.  Long after the people who faulted me and thought I had it good and should of stayed with that motto it's cheaper to keep him.  Not.  Not ever.  Not never.  It is not only not a good idea it will lead to the worse things in your life.  Being who you are is more important than you will ever know.  Altering that person will make you sick at your very core.  That is where I am now.  I have found Elliott and happy to say he is listening to loud salsa music in the car and dancing when I am able as if I'd never danced before or will ever.  I no longer feel like a victim but rather a true blue warrior.  A Latino indian warrior.  Blessed with the best.

Be who you are my friends.  Be who you are at any cost.  Be who you are because if you are not you will pay the price in the very same way I did.  No voice will kill you and being someone you are not will make you severely ill emotionally.  It is not too late to know that and to stand up and walk out.  Just pick yourself up off the floor and just leave.  Take only what you need and don't look back.  Of course if you are not finished being whipped and bullied please feel free to stay, but if not run, run and run faster and faster, more than ever before.

Be who you are because you know who you are.  Be Latino.  Be a a beautiful woman, be a fantastic Greek goddess.  Be who you are at the very core of your being.  Be all that you are all the time, never once holding one thing back.  Heal yourself by surrendering to that inner person who is asking you to be great and to be all that you are and more.  Fight for your right to be who you are and when others insult you, turn your back and don't look back.  You are looking the wrong way if you aren't looking forward at all times.  No one can take your soul unless you like me give them permission to do it or you feel so low you think you have to.

I have a stand up routine I am building on around my health opportunity and my past relationship with the X and the family.  It is going to make you pee in your pants because every time I think about it I want to roll in the mud.  I want to scream it out loud.  Yes!  Yes I survived a crazy ass mother in law, a racist uncle, a suppressed sister in law and more!  I even thought if I wore the very finest of garments that they would love me or at least like me or maybe just appreciate me.  Hold on!  Did I actually say that out loud?

Always be who you are.  Always stand up for who you are.  Always insist on being loved and respected by everyone.  Don't ever stand for any shit from anyone.  Be who you are because being who you are is enough and it means something.  Because who you are is someone to be loved and everything you represent is important.  Your eye color, your skin color, your nappy hair, your big nose, your skinny legs are all a part of who you are.  Be who you are because you are someone, God's kid.  And  God don't make any junk.


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