Sister Love

Every time I think of my life as a dad I think how lucky I have been to have two daughters.  Then I think of my granddaughters who are eight years apart.  The thirteen year old treats her little six year old sister as though she is her little angel from heaven.  My observation of sisters has been that there is such a beautiful commitment between them to be there for one another and when one is older she tends to the other much like a second mother.  I feel a sense of pride as a parent that no matter what happens they will have each other.  Sisterhood.  It is like this bond that never breaks and that cannot be stopped.  It is powerful and at the same time I believe it can be painful as well.  Loving someone that much takes a lot out of us.  Carrying that burden for our siblings can be hard when we think we know what is best for them, being the eldest one.  Still sisterhood is a strong love that will likely never be penetrated by anyone outside of them.

As a parent you want your children to love each other through those hard times.  I have seen them do it and I am proud of them.  They radiate with kindness and compassion for each other.  They dance together, they laugh together and certainly there are times when they've cried together.  Always love wins out.  It is what being a sister is about.  It is what my daughters have shown me time and again.  There is a love there that is tight and that is loyal even after the angry times and even when there might be disagreements.  I feel happy they  will always have one another.

My sister is a great person.  She is tight lipped and keeps her chin up but I know she worries about me.  It is interesting to me that she is a little younger but it always feels like she is my big sister.  There is a wisdom there that I cannot explain.  I have always felt like she is smarter than me even though I have three college degrees and in fact the only one with a college degree of my siblings.  I guess I have a sisterhood with my sister as well.  Maybe boys can have a sisterhood with their sisters too?  All I know is that my life has been fuller and happier with a sister.

I had two sisters but one decided she was not worthy of living.  What I recall of her was that if she could feel the pain for me she would.  She left me in my late twenties when she was about twenty two.  I will always miss her.  I will always think of what life would have been like with her.  I am sure as if it were so that she would have been very helpful right about now.  Two sisters would have been even more powerful than one.  I am truly grateful to have one.  I feel like my youngest sister is looking down on me and helps me in times of need.  Still I miss her very much.  What does one do with that kind of pain?  What I know is that she would want me to move forward regardless.

Let's all remember that we can make a sister out of a friend, especially those of us who don't have one.  There is an abundance of young to wise women who would serve as a sister and many times will also serve as a mother figure as well.  Love is universal so we can pick our family, especially if we've not been given the right mom in our eyes.  Recently that mother was a person who attempted to kill her children, succeeded with one of them and the other two lived.  She was also pregnant from her boyfriend who she wanted and the reason the courts speculate she killed her children.  Sad as this seems the new baby was born into the wrong parent and like many of us she had to pick her family and they picked her by adopting her.  We can adopt our own parents and our own siblings.  we are allowed to do that.  If you don't have a sister find one at work or in your group of friends, maybe even in church.

Sister love is a special love.  Sister love is awful and wonderful and magical too.  Sister love should not be taken for granted.  Sista love is powerful!  Sista love is the real deal because when women get together they find solace in that kind of deep love.  She is the friend who would sit by her side if she is dying and she is the woman who will hold her hand when she is ill or make her some soup.  Sister Love in a word "Rocks"!


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