What Men Don't Know About Women!

I have been talking and befriended women all my life.  I have asked them questions and I have heard their answers about men and what they need from them.  Many times women will share the the things that they need and don't appreciate about men, including the men in their life.  Intimacy is a huge deal for women.  With this said here are some things that men don't know about women:

1.  Helping in the home is a big turn on for many women.  I would recommend that while you are cleaning the house that you wear an apron.   LOL! Women feel loved when men help them to do housework.  Many men do not realize how important it is to be a functional husband or partner and what this means to women.

2.  Women like to be cuddled.  Women want to feel nurtured and loved after an intimate experience and even just for no reason at all.  Women like being held, hugged and cuddled by men.  There is a feeling of safety and security when a man demonstrates his love through non-sexual touch.

3.  There is a saying I love: "Happy Wife Happy Life".  I have noted that men who use this saying and are aware of it have a happy wife and have in turn have a happy life.  These are the men who are willing to do things for their wives and girlfriends that is special and sweet but more importantly that ask their wives what they need.  They are also the men who find ways to give their wives something that they know and have observed they need.  These men don't hold back.

4.  Women love a bundle of quality flowers.  Women love a nice card with an "I Love You" inside.  Women love little gifts of any type, even a poem.  Not waiting for a holiday but giving something for no reason but love is of huge importance to most women.  Every man must make sure to make a note of this.  A spontaneous gift here and there will take a relationship a long way and women love it!

5.  Do as the Romans do as they say.  If there is something your woman likes to do then it should be something you offer to do with her whether it is cooking a meal or playing tennis.  A man who gets involved in what their loved one likes is a very smart man.  This will not only facilitate her doing things with him that he likes to do, she will reward you in some very personal and loving ways.  Most men do not like to shop yet there are men who shop with their wives by sitting in  chair and allowing her to try clothing on and giving her some positive feedback about each garment.  Even if a man hates shopping he should occasionally shop with his lady.

6. Think like a woman.  Steve Harvey put this saying on the map recently in his book.  He is a very smart man.  In order for a man to connect with a woman he should do his best to think like a woman. Take notes when she gets upset and what makes her happy.  Take note of how she thinks and don't question it but rather accept it and start to be more aligned with the feminine part of yourself as a man.  It is in there and being inside her shoes is going to help connect you to her.

There are many things many men don't know about women.  These are "the tip of the iceberg".  Women need to let men know what they need and what their partners don't know by simply sharing what they need from the relationship with him.  Most of my audience are women and so it may be that these women have to be willing to share their needs with the men they are involved with or married to.  It is as they say "ignorance of the law does not excuse us".  Ignorance about what women want and need does not excuse men from not doing what is proper for their women.

Please share this with a man you know.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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