Act Like a Child

When we are in our inner child we it can quite  possibly be the best emotional state to be in.  There is likely nothing more joyful than a child who is loved, honored, heard and cared about.  We can retrieve that inner child and gift him or her in many loving ways.  We can buy her a doll or we can make her a dress or we can put crayons in her hand and allow her to express her creative side.  We can honor our inner child by behaving like a child.  Freeing ourselves of the adult stresses will find us in love with life because a child is usually a persona inside of us that is either hurting or in need of something.  Loving that little boy or girl is a healing experience but most of all a joyful way to acknowledge ourselves and letting go of the pain or what we feel is missing.

I remember my studies at USM when we were taken on a journey back to our little child inside.  We were told to give that child a gift and feel the joy of receiving that gift.  The instructor took us to that place of being our inner child and gifting her or him.  I recall hearing people sob from the activity.  They had apparently felt something deep inside that was elicited by giving themselves permission to be in their child experience.  It was then that I understood the power of the inner persona who needs to get back what he or she did not get growing up.  I recall my X stating that it sounded like a cult and  he would laugh and poke fun at the experience and it being a part of my educational experience.  What he like many did not know was that if he dared go back to his own childhood it would seem unbearable at first and eventually heal them from the pain they have long held inside and long denied.

Being like a child comes up when we become parents and we observe our children.  They are happy little people who bring us back to our joy just because they exist and because they are so contagious in their freedom to be.  They live in the moment and remind us that we too can do the same and be much happier.  They model the behavior that we must need to be reminded of.  We become more free and clear in our minds.  We understand that love comes from surrendering to love and to the earth.  Although there are many ignorant people in the world who see this exercise as silly those of us who are loving parents understand the importance of becoming like a child.  The joy alone is healing our soul and our emotional parts.

Be like a child.  Let go of the stress.  Be inside of your playful mind.  You will understand that this kind of joy comes directly from letting your child out of the darkness and into the light.


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