The Sun Will Rise Again

The sun will rise and we will try again.  We think at times that it won't because we are in such a state of darkness.  We believe wrongly that the sun won't rise and that we will give up but we don't.  We usually get back on our feet and we try again.  We usually find out that the sun will rise and that we will try again, that we won't give up.

As life would have it and as many of you know I was diagnosed with cancer, although I don't normally use that word.  "Life is really more about the things we go through that we get through".  (By Elliott Collazo, just now).  After I was diagnosed with cancer I was told by my "partner" or "husband" that he would not be taking any days off of work to go to my appointments and in fact he tried to dump me on my kids who lived in the city closer to the hospital where I would be treated with chemo and radiation.  One night I asked that he scrub my back and he refused sighting that he was tired and asking for a back rub earlier.  He did not work the next day but I thought he did.  When I realized that I fell apart.  It was that moment that was telling of the kind of man I was with: a weak person, a selfish person, a not so compassionate person and someone I had grown to know to be just like his mean spirited mother.  It was the saddest moment of my life.  As if it could not get any worse he left the home leaving me shouldering all the bills.  On two occasions he visited me in the hospital and demanded that I say "I love you" and kiss him.  I was repulsed and knew at that moment what a horribly dysfunctional person he really was.  I had ignored all the signs for over ten years.  After he left me I thought the sun would never rise again but to my surprise it not only rose again it was beaming all over my body,mind and spirit.  I accepted my plight and started to live with courage even though I though him to be a coward of the highest form.

Today the sun rose again.  Yesterday I took myself out to a friends to eat and chat.  She told me she loved me and kissed me before leaving.  There again was another moment for me that was not only verifying that I was worth it but also saying to me how much of a deserving person I am, regardless of what one man (really a boy and coward)  thought and did to me.  I also thought about how empowered I was.

The sun will rise again and you will live a better life.  You just have to get through the dark parts to rise above it all.  All that needs to happen is to get through one day at a time.  You will find the sunlight again.  I promise you.
Coach Elliott


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