An Attitude of Abundnce

Who among us is not struggling.  Who among us  is not concerned at times if we will be able to pay all the bills and still have some money to enjoy and get those little extras that we want.  There are many single moms and dads out there that are wondering how they will pay all the bills and provide their child with a birthday gift, pay for art supplies or get this years school pictures.  We don't have to be reminded of the fact that things such as health issues happen and how devastating life can be when a someone in our family passes away.  Life will throw us some curve balls in every part of our life: Economically and emotionally.

It takes addressing every facet of who we are as human beings in order to obtain an attitude of abundance yet if we have faith and we stop the worrying we can be abundant in each of the areas of life: 

There are people who equate spirituality with religion when in fact spirituality is solely about our deepest feelings about life and how we should treat others and be treated.  It is related to the things we love to do and the center of our heat.  It is also about the faith in our heart.  If we address abundance on a spiritual level we are reminded that a small amount of faith will go a long we.  Have the faith that you will be abundant and hence you will be.  Ask your spirit to provide what you need and that you know it will be provided.  Abundance is connected to our spirit and whether we believe it or not it is our deepest feelings that will dictate our abundance if not at least help in that area of our life.  

We have an emotional relationship with money and financial abundance is often times is an emotional experience, especially when we don't have enough of it to go around or we have so much of it we have all that we need and a lot of what we want.  Addressing our emotional reaction to abundance is important to advancing in this area of our life.  When our emotional relationship around abundance and in order to be abundant we need to remain positive about abundance and think abundant.  For some of us this means going to therapy and addressing the fear around money and what role money has in our emotional being.  Becoming emotionally healthy about abundance will help us to be more abundant.  The more we worry about money the more it will not be abundant.  Having an unhealthy emotional attachment with money is fine until it becomes a negative attachment, one where we worry constantly about it.  Abundance is not just about money is the first step.  

Abundance is partially financial.  Financial abundance is important to a lot of us yet we make many bad decisions around money.  We forget that it is our decisions that effect our abundance.  We fail to save money or we fail to cut costs.  We make irrational decisions like buying a new car when we cannot really afford it or spending a thousand dollars on Christmas gifts that we simply don't have and end up maxing our credit cards.  Financial abundance is one kind of abundance and we must not forget that abundance has many forms.  Sitting down and figuring out your bills versus what you earn means that you take the actions necessary to be financially responsible.  

Our creative side is the side of us is the part of us that can think of ways to be abundant and stay abundant.  Creative people find ways to become abundant by either making things or doing things that will spread their money and save some in order to create abundance in their life.  Our creative side is very important.  It is the side of us that figures out ways to make money, spend money and not just remain afloat from pay check to pay check.  Although there are people who feel like there is nothing they can think of to add abundance to their life the truth is that we all can if we think creatively and find ways to be abundant.  

We have a physical component to abundance.  We are physically affected when we lack abundance.  WE feel desperate and we can even bcome physically ill trying to figure out why we are not abundant.  Dong the physical actions we need to do is the only way to effect our abundance and increase it.  Making the calls we need to make,  paying the bills we need to pay and saving the money for an emergency are all the physical components of increasing our abundance.  Letting things go and not doing the things we need to do will create more lack and will place us in a situation where we not only are not abundant we are at risk of losing everything.  We must know we have a physical relationship with money and take the actions we need to take to become abundant.  There IS such a thing as wise decisions.  

An Attitude of abundance is what has helped me to get through the hard times.  I wish this for every every person I love and for all of you.  Take a look at what area in your life needs attention so that you are in your personal space of abundance.  Being honest with yourself is the first step.  Make your journey purposeful and do all that you can to make it magical.

Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo 


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