How to Handle Anxiety

There are some obvious ways to address anxiety or restlessness and then there are some that are not so obvious.  In this blog tonight I would like to share some sure fire ways to lower your anxiety and get yourself into a peaceful state of mind where you feel relaxed and peaceful.  With that said let's look at the anti-anxiety list:

1. Play with children
2. Dance
3. Turn off the TV/avoid television
4. Listen to soothing music
5. Be silent and write
6. Exercise at a fast pace
7. Ask for intimacy from your partner
8. Consult with your doctor when it is serious or persists
9. Go for a walk in nature
10. Meditate or Pray
11. Talk it out with someone or a counselor
12. Cut out sugar from your diet
13. Take a day off from everything that is stressful: job or at home
14. Take some deep purposeful breaths
15. Take a nap
16. Create or make something with your hands
17. List the reasons you feel anxious or nervous.  Review your list and decide what is valid or not valid
18. Say an affirmation like: I am peaceful, calm and in tune with my heart.
19. Ask someone you know to affirm that you are safe and OK
20. Take a long warm bath with candles

There you have it.  A list of twenty things you could do to relieve your anxious feelings.  Now pick a couple of them and do one at a time.  Check in with yourself and see if you are feeling any differently once you have completed the anti-anxiety action.  Remember that love and laughter and joy are choices.  We can chose love, laughter, peace and joy.  We don't have to surrender to anxiety.  Also understand that most of the time the anxiety is not real.  It is something we create and much of the time it is self-imposed.  Now take a second and third look at the list and get rid of that self-imposed stress that you are likely placing on yourself.  In summary, if you are feeling anxious most of the time it may be time to schedule a session with a good therapist or consult with a doctor or both.  We all experience some anxiety and the main thing is not to belittle yourself and not minimize your feelings all at one time.


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