I Can Change That
I love the serenity prayer that says: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the power to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference". This is one of those simple mantras that we can all understand and that we struggle with all the time. We think we can control others yet we cannot. We think we can change others but we can't. We think we can make things go away magically and we cannot. Why? Because the only thing we can change is us. We can only change the person that we are, the actions that we take and the ones we don't take. We have some choices yet even writhing the realm of self we only have so many choices. What is important is that we know that we can have the choice to make a choice. We have the power to select and to make some decisions about our selves. We don't have the power to make choices for people who are adults and even young people who are bent on making the w...