How To Honor Your Joy Now

There is no other way to honor your joy than to be focused on yourself and to take the focus off of others.  Attempting to find your joy in others is a sure way not to find it because your joy does not reside in others: your children, your spouse, your friends or the people you work with.  When you seek your joy in others you blame and shame yourself and them when they don't come through for you.  So where is your joy?  It is inside of you.  Don't ever look far for your joy and remember that others are finding their own joy and struggling to keep it.  They are not going to help you find yours and you should not expect it.  The moment that you do you will be sadly disappointed.

The way to your joy is to do something every day that brings you joy.  It really does not matter what you do to be in your joyful spirit but do your best to focus on yourself rather than to include others at first.  Finding and staying happy requires that you know how to do that alone and that no one person is a source of the joy, just you.  Learning this skill requires that you be as selfish as you view others and bypass the responsibility of doing the laundry or cooking a meal for your family.  At first it will be hard but once you get use to it the happiness in your life will be natural and consistent.

I have a friend who rarely called me back or invited me out.  In the meantime I was consistently trying to get together with her.  She had something every day of the week and she was completely unwilling to bypass her schedule to put me in it (or anyone else) no matter what the situation.  Even when I was at my worse she insisted that if I wanted to be with her I would meet her in her world and where she found her joy.  After a lot of what felt like rejection I decided to meet her where she was on her time in her world with her people.  What I discovered was that I was not that into her activities and her world and that she would not compromise and do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.  It was a wonderful lesson in knowing that selling my joy to find joy with her was a lesson in what I should have done which was so find my own joy.  Although I do feel as though she is a bit egocentric and selfish she is who she is and I cannot change her.  Rather than to be upset my goal is to make Elliott Happy and do do things that make me happy that I love to do.

Today is the day for each of us to do what makes us happy and to leave the responsibility stuff go.  Today is that day when you look on the Internet and find something to do.  Today is the day when you dump the dirty laundry or drop it off at a laundry service and go to a movie.  Today is the day to find your own happiness and stop looking for it in others.  What you will find once you stop calling and doing your own thing is that others will either walk away for good or they will begin to call you wondering why you are not contacting them.  You may even see that others miss you and your attentive or nurturing nature.  Finding your joy is going to be a wonderful journey.  Look at each day as a chance to joyfully do what you love to do and a day to rejoice in your own interests and your own creative nature.  Sew a pillow insert, take some pictures of the snow on the trees or the pond in back of your home.  Rejoice in who you are and the gift that you are to the earth.

Here are some more joy centered ideas:
Go to the local library or attend a presentation at the library.
Take a long walk in your area or at a scenic park.
Take yourself out to eat and to see a movie.
Visit an elder and take a bag of groceries to him or her.
Sew something or make something by hand.
Dance alone.
Go workout at the gym or clubhouse.
Go out dancing.
Take a bike ride.
Now get out there and find your joy.  Be assured that your joy is inside of you.  Be sure that if you don't call anyone they will either never call you again or they will wonder what you are doing and call you, maybe join in on the fun.  Don't sit down for too long for now but rather begin to stand up and become more mobile.  Find your new life and while you are at it be friendly and smile a lot.  You will attract the joyous life you deserve by knowing it is not dependent on others and that having friends is an add on.
Love and Light to you,
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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