I Can Change That

I love the serenity prayer that says: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the power to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference".  This is one of those simple mantras that we can all understand and that we struggle with all the time.  We think we can control others yet we cannot.  We think we can change others but we can't.  We think we can make things go away magically and we cannot.  Why?  Because the only thing we can change is us.  We can only change the person that we are, the actions that we take and the ones we don't take.  We have some choices yet even writhing the realm of self we only have so many choices.  What is important is that we know that we can have the choice to make a choice.  We have the power to select and to make some decisions about our selves.  We don't have the power to make choices for people who are adults and even young people who are bent on making the wrong choices.  Given that single truth let's move into what we may focus on: 

1. Make a decision to start a journey that serves your highest vibration.  
2. Take yourself out of the way of others or living their life for them.
3. Don't take things personally and work on becoming your personal best.
4. Have a plan of action that includes what you can and cannot control. 
5. Begin a practice that is deep, serious, spiritual and emotionally healing. 

Making the decision to focus on your self and your path is number one.  Make a conscious decision to start your own life again and do so because you realize that you may not be living in your highest vibration, potential or fullest joy.  Make a decision to start a new journey that does not allow excuses and that is kind and loving to yourself.  

Stop living other people's lives.  Don't give anyone any advice.  Walk the walk yourself and stay out of other people's stuff.  Stop making other's problems yours.  Understand that the reason that you are into someone else's life is because you need to create a life of your own.  Get out of the way and stay out of the way trusting that others know what they need to do.  They don't need you to tell them.  

Don't allow others opinions of you to effect you adversely.  If people think you are defective simply take that to mean that they are unhappy with their own lives.  If others tell you who you are listen, thank them and walk away not giving it any importance.  Don't take what others say personally.  Be all that you can be and say to yourself "I am good enough".  

Have and devise a plan of action.  List your plans and give it a time line.  Don't keep thinking about it until you give up but rather address it promptly.  Don't expect things to just happen without a plan of action.  It is likely that you will not change if you don't have a plan as to how you will create that change.  Post your plan where you can revise and check it.  Compute your success and be honest about what is still challenging for you.  

Keep deep and look at your life as sacred and worth changing for the better.  Don't focus on what is wrong with you nor look at it as a flaw.  You are not someone that needs fixing and you are not broken.  Only vases brake because they are made of glass.  You are a spiritual human being that is worth every once of the work you put into loving yourself and changing your own life.  

Again, you cannot change that.  Look at what you are doing that you have power over and what you are doing that is spinning your wheels.  Be all that you can and don't take things personal that others say or do.  Be in the best spot you can be and consider your life and how everything means something.  
Elliott Collazo 


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