Learn Not To Take it Personal

Don Miguel Ruiz said it in his magical book, The Four Agreement, "don't take anything personal".  It is hard not to personalize what others say and do yet striving to not take things personal is a gift to us when we can identify the fact that what others think and do that is unkind is not our stuff to consume. We must know deep inside that nothing others say is personal to us and that as a result of standing back from it we will live a happier and fuller life.  Personalizing personifies our pain.  It is just not healthy for us to take what others say personally because what they say is a reflection of how they are feeling and has nothing to do with us.  The folks who make negative comments are doing so because they feel bad about themselves.  They are in a bad state of mind when they find it a need to put others down or do negative things.

When we are in awareness about other's behaviors and that they don't belong to us we can live a life that is not effected by what they do and say.  It is only when we give others opinion and deeds power that they have power over us.  When we are in awareness we can feel free to move on even when someone hurts us.  We understand that their behavior is not personal.  We get that their behavior is only on them and have little to nothing to do with us.  We may be suspect of and possibly not have the tools to see things as not our personal self and people as not having power over us yet deep inside we are in a knowing state that we allow others to make us feel badly about ourselves because they have something to say about us.  We must learn to release that false power over us and say no more.

Don't take anything personal and if you do take an inventory of why and begin a journey of knowing who you are.  IN this way no one can tell you who you are.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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