Procrastination: The Cause is the Cure

Procrastination comes from a place of fear and avoidance.  There is something we need to do but we are fearful of the outcome or we get a mental message to avoid it.  Procrastinating usually has a consequence of some kind.  It could be that you end up paying more money for delaying on a bill that needs to be paid or it could effect a relationship with your family because you are not your word and will not do things in a timely manner.  It can even effect your job and end you up fired.

Fear: If we can address the fears around why we don't do something that we should do in a timely way we can then actually take action.  Seeing fear as a feeling that is usually unfounded helps us to let go of it because if it is not founded then we have no reason to be in fear.  Fear of failing is the most common fear that contributes to procrastination.  Looking more closely at why we fear failure will help us to address the myth that we are failures when the truth is that we all have made some mistakes.  Go easy on yourself and give yourself permission to be human and make mistakes.

Avoidance: We are avoiding something when we procrastinate.  We are avoiding something that we should be doing because we feel as though we need to even if there is not a logical reasoning.  Many things we would rather not do gets on our avoidance list.  Avoidance is the little sister of fear because it comes from fear.

Depression: Depression is yet another of the reasons we procrastinate.  When we are not in an emotional good place we tend to not want to do anything and at times would rather sleep it off, some all day long.  Depression needs to be Identified and seen as a temporary situation of which we can and will overcome like the many other obstacles in our life.  We can medicate but why?  Depression does not go away from taking a pill but rather from taking the time to access what it is that is bringing us down.

Obstacles: There are legitimate obstacles that keep us from doing what we should do and doing so with urgency.  This could be from a sick relative or a partner who is abusive and brings us down.  Removing these obstacles when it is right for us to do so will help us to get back on the horse and take the ride of our life.  Get out of situations that are not aligned with your highest joy and seek people who are positive and affirming.  Above all know that you may be your biggest obstacle.  Get out of your own way!

Lack of proactive healing: Every day is a day to enjoy and to fill up with good things.  Every day is a day of healing and prayer.  Making it a practice to pray, meditate and do what brings you joy will result in a more productive you, someone who gets things done and has a basis for believing that nothing will stop you.  Faith is s part of it.  Self work on a daily basis will help stop procrastinating at the core before it gets out of hand.

So once again there you have it.  Look at each of the areas and determine where your stop sign is at and give yourself permission to go.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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