What We Magnify Multiplies

If we literally put a magnifying glass on our problems they will look bigger and likely get bigger.  What we emphasize we will for sure get more of.  Taking the opposite approach is to place the magnifying glass on positive things in our life and in our thoughts.  What we magnify multiplies.  The true meaning of this statement leads us to see that if we continue to focus on the negative we will get more of it.  It just makes sense.  If we lose one game, friend or job we must decide that instead of staying stuck in the victim mode we have to get unstuck by thinking about it and talking about it too often.  By taking the focus off of the things that happen that are hurtful, bad or painful we have the energy and time to place the magnifying glass on what is right in our life.  It is a free ride from there.

Elliott Maximo Collazo Gonzalez


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