
In my own quest to get my own life vs waiting for something to come to my life I have found some truly lovely and loving ways to spend my time enjoying my own magical company.  To say that this journey has been a long overdue one is literally an underestimation, although I have not been in any kind of complete stagnant state of living.  In fact I am likely more active than the normal 62 years old American male.  For me this newness is about experiencing more and becoming a higher level of who I already am.  I have been working out at least three days a week and I am not shy so I will take myself out and eat a gourmet meal and do dancing.  One such occassion I was at the Martini Room in Elgin and danced an entire salsa song alone.  After I finished there was a young couple who were watching me and clapped for me.  I happen to love salsa and have been dancing it for a very long time.

This day is once again about getting my own life.  I have been motivated by the lack of commitment on the part of others and the lack of connection yet for me it has been a wonderful experience in the end because I am getting my own groove back.  I don't blame and shame anyone for being who they yet I can honestly say that people are about what is convenient for them, many times not willing to go out of their comport zone or path to be with someone who they call a friend.  I worked very hard for years and years to get people to become responsive without much luck.  I am finally in acceptance of the fact that people are simply who they are and that we are living in a time when commitment is a bit lacking.  I always thought it selfish to focus on myself but now I understand that while I was focused on others they were focused on themselves.  It is my turn now.

My intention is not to bash anyone but rather to take my own inventory and access why I was so focused on others and in so much need to be loved and nurtured.  What I know now is that I was not loving the person who needed the love the most, me.  Hence this life of my own and a life with new adventures and doing things alone without regard for anyone else to be there, looking at this as an addition of my already great full schedule of life.  It is a great place to be and I am intent on staying where Elliott is and giving his inner child what he needs: excitement, newness, love, nurturing, travel and some flowers.  This is new so I am still learning but boy does it feel great so far.  Stay tuned in as there will be stories and more of #getmyownlifenow.

What are you doing to love you?


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