How To Up Your Joy

There are many ways to up our joy meter, here are some:
Live in the present
Leave the past behind you and live in the now.  Don't keep thinking about the past or the future but rather live in the now.  Living in any other time zone other than right now will impede you from living fully in the now and living in the now is the best place to live.

Release the past
Let go of the anger, resentments, sadness and abuse of the past.  Forgive others and forgive yourself because in this way you will release all that is holding you down.

Do the joyful things
Get up off the bed and think about what you can do today that you will enjoy.  Do all the things that bring you joy as often as possible.  Find your joy each day by making a conscious decision to do things that are joyous.

Don't wait for others
Waiting for others to be happy or do happy things is a mistake we all make.  Depending on being with others to be happy is not the way to find your own joy.  We must be able to do that on our own.  Being with someone else is nice but it must not be the criteria to our own joy.  Waiting for others may cause you to be waiting a long time and it is simply not cool.

Reinvent yourself
Sometimes we need to tweet how we dress or present ourselves.  It can be fun to begin to dress a little differently and buy a colorful shirt that we would not normally wear.  A new hair cut and style can go a long way.  Reinventing ourselves is simply changing our physical presence to a new look.  That may seem small yet it can and has had a huge impact on people.

Get the unfun stuff out of the way
Do the things you don't like to do quickly and efficiently.  Once you do this you are free to have some fun.  We all have to do some not so fun stuff but if we do it and get it out of the way we can enjoy our day more.  Leaving it for another day can in fact ruin our present time because we think about it all day long.

Keep moving, stay mobile, stay active
Stay active, exercise, dance, walk, go out to a movie.  Don't stay immobile for too long at any given time.

Reward yourself
A little gift to yourself can be a nice reward.  It could be a pair of socks or a cute pair of underwear.  It could be a dinner out or flowers.  Demonstrate to yourself that you deserve a nice gesture because you do.  Waiting for someone to give you the reward could leave you waiting for much too long.  Rewarding yourself is a gift you give to your spirit and it can lift your joy.

I hope these tips remind you of how important your joy is.  Joy does not just happen to us but rather it is something we receive by having the intention and getting it ourselves.  There are many ways to up our joy.  My invitation to you is that you list the things that you know will bring your joy up and post them in your home.  Make it a point to do those things that you know will up your joy meter and remember that no one can make you happy.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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