Be Led By Your Instincts

One of the most sure ways to make the right decision is to trust your instincts.  Trust that the answer is inside of you and that if you are led in a direction to follow it if it feels intuitive.  After all we are all intuitive in part.  All we need to do is to keep track of our feelings and when we are inclined to act then we do so trusting our inner guide and knowing we won't be led wrong by our own person inside. Intuitive people who have truly studied it have an amazing skill knowing what is going to happen to someone else never mind their own path in life.

Maya Angelou stated: "when someone shows you who they are believe them".  When something tells you what is coming, believe it.  We often gets signs that there is something going on or going to happen that needs attention.  If we are in our own awareness we will understand the messages we get when we are looking for answers.  The answers are right there in front of us when we are asking yet we miss it if we are not attentive.

The way to our intuition and answers is silent reverence.  Become quiet, lay down and just stay there for a while.  You will begin to feel the sensation of relaxation and then suddenly thoughts will come and answers will appear.  You will hear your heart, your very core, the deepest part of your intuitive self.  Listen and allow the responses to speak quietly to you.  What the heart spirit tells you is what needs to be done, applied some understanding to or create inner peace and tranquility.

Be led by your instincts my beloveds for only your intuitive self knows what you need.  Just listen carefully.
Elliott Maximo Collazo
For: Dream Your Dreams: Listen Carefully, Dream Your Dreams.


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