Life Is On Your Side

Life is on your side because you are alive right here and now.  Life is on your side because you are present and healthy enough to care for your self.  Life is on your side when you live it fully, in your complete honesty and with joy in your being.  Life is good from your head to your toes because you have all the normal number of body parts.  Life is good because with what you have you are making it be enough.  Life is good because you have the little faith that it takes to embrace life and start again even if you have undergone major tribulations.  Life is good because you my friend are a warrior.

When I look to my left and I look to my right I take in all that is beautiful: the colors, the shapes, the light and the dark.  In this moment I thank God for my vision and the mere miracle of being able to see.  I am thrilled inside that just inside of my own environment I am blessed with many ways to see my surroundings and my life.  I laugh inside at the mere thought of becoming the best I can be by doing the best I know how.

Life is on your side with every step that you take.  Life is a journey that is not the same for everyone and yet identical in many ways.  Life is on your side because you are gifted with the option to say no or to say yes to anything or everything.  Yet for life to be good we must also know that we are responsible for a part of it.  We are co-creators with goddess and we are amply responsible for our destiny.

This new year let your self be great.  Allow yourself the space to say yes.  Know that what is for you will come to you and that you will not need to force anything.  This new year ask for what you need and take what you want out of life.  Lift every part of yourself and rejoice in the truth of your greatness.  Life is on your side.


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