Say It Just Freaking Say It!

"There's something on my mind, there's something on my mind, your miles away but but your heart feels close by.  Roses are red violets are blue, I know I'm meant to be with you."

I love this song because it is about loving someone with passion and there are no barriers as to how she expresses it.  It feels like she says exactly what is on her mind, something that many of us have trouble doing.  In one of the other parts of the song she sings:

"Love is not enough, why can't love be enough".

She reveals the pain of being in love yet there is something that needs to be fixed or addressed.  As we know love can be painful because even love is sometimes not enough to get you though the difficult periods when one or the other person might make a mistake.  Getting past the pain or the hurt is at times possible and at other times not possible.

When I have been in situations where I question whether love is enough I reach into my soul and realize that sometimes we just need to face it and say it whether it is painful or not.  I have often thought to myself: "say it dammit, just freaking say it".  I want it to be over with.  Some of you know what that feels like.

I use to tell my daughters that friendship is practice for an intimate relationship down the road.  I also believe that relationship is relationship and that there is an emotional intimacy we have with friends.  Intimacy of any kind makes us weary of speaking the truth believing that if we do all hell will erupt.  Yet we must understand that no matter what we must tell the truth.

We are not taught to just say it and get it out.  Instead we are trained to spare others of the bad news or the truth of who we are.  Even though we know that this does not work in the long run we practice it because the truth may be too hard to bear, for us or for the other person.

We may think we are doing someone a favor by not telling the truth or that we are saving our relationship yet what is more factual is that when we withhold the truth it builds up and turns into resentment.  Nothing is more healing than being in our truth.

We can hear a love song and the lyrics may be so revealing and honest that it makes us cry.  The truth is powerful even when we think about it in an abstract manner and it has nothing to do with us.  We want to be that candid and that open hearted because we know deep inside that this is how it should be.  We know how powerful honesty is and honoring our feelings is like.

Say it, just say it!  Don't hold your feelings in as if it were a like a romantic song that you love.  Don't withhold the truth because there may not be another chance to say it.  The truth is powerful and the truth will in fact set you free.  Dance as if no one is looking, sing as though no one is listening, listen as if it was your last chance, love as if your heart had wings and say what you feel as if you will never have the opportunity or the words again.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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