What You Think Of Me

What you think of me is none of my business.  I love this saying and believe it to the core.  What others think of me is none of my business and I will take a pass.  Whether others think me conceited or arrogant or over dressed does not matter.  What matters is what I think of myself.  Frankly I am still learning to stop myself from having an opinion about anyone and simply flowing with life with each person I meet along the way, not having a judgement of them and not expecting them to have one of me.

I think Trump is an ass.  I believe that some Anglos have a false sense of superiority.  I dislike men who abuse women.  I think that a woman should wear heals with a dressy dress.  I don't understand why my friend wants to wear Converts with her bridesmaids dress.  Whatever my opinions are mean very little when the people I am talking about don't give a dam.  For me and for others like me who have expelled much too much effort in evaluating others it is now time to STOP.

The fact about what we think of others and they of us is that neither have a real impact on our ability to feel happiness and if it does we need to hurry and eliminate our thoughts about others.  Whether we think others wonderful or asinine is almost the same thing.  In both cases we cannot change the direction of their life.  We can only change that trajectory of our own life.  So it would make perfect sense that we stick to what and who we know, our selves.

What you think of me is none of my business ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps, crossed eyed flies and bow legged ants.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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