How To Stay Sharp

The word old is not in my personal vocabulary.  I prefer the word seasoned.  I am even OK with the word wise.  I believe that the word "old" has too many negative connotations and that many times the word old is used in a way that means to describe a person who is no longer active, is not attractive any more or cannot function well.  None of these myths are necessarily true and buying into this is a mistake.  When we are intentional we will live fully and beautifully for the duration of the time we are here.  Here's how: 

Stay active: 
Stay active physically and mentally.  Do the most you can physically and mentally to stay in shape and alert.  If you cannot run on a treadmill then walk briskly but do some form of cardio and challenge you mind by reading and doing things that keep your brain challenged.  Just do not stop moving.

Enhance your physical appearance: 
Get dressed up.  Wear what you like and be fashionable.  There is not age limit on fashion and I always say that the reason hair dye was invented was to enhance our looks.  The many ways that one can look better are endless but primarily is is all about presenting yourself in a youthful and exciting manner.  There is not reason why one cannot look sharp every day at any age.  

Stay receptive to learning from others: 
Do not ever think you know it all no matter how long you have been on this earth.  Stay open to what others might teach you about things you still do not know about.  No matter what the age of the people around you it is possible to learn from them.  Keep your heart, ears and mind open and life will continue to be about new and exciting lessons.  

Moisturize and hydrate: 
Use a good moisturizer and drink plenty of water.  Both are important.  A moist face is not as likely to get as wrinkled as quickly as one that is dry.  As we age we need more and more moister so using a good skin lotion and drinking lots of water is essential to staying youthful.  

One is never old
It is one thing to embrace where you are in life and your age is a part of it.  It is another thing to view yourself as "old" and believe the stupid myths about age.  There is truth to the saying " 60 is the new 50".  Admitting that you are aging is fine as long as this is not your focus.  Just because you are 70 it does not mean you are "old" and that it is time to hang it all up as they say.  I love the movie "Mermaids" with Cher where her daughter says: "Mom, don't you think your a little too old for that dress?" Cher looks up causally at her daughter and responds: "Don't be silly Charlotte a woman is never too old".  I would say that we all not be silly and understand that the word "old" should only be used for objects not people.  

Elliott Collazo 


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