Get Back Your Light and Love

Don Miguel Ruiz said it many times: Hate and Fear are an illusion, Love is reality.  We must all understand that love is our reality and love is our right.  We were born with love in our being and the only reason we fail at love is because we have been hurt or we forgot how to love.  If we seek that love inside of our own being we will find it easily and readily.  Love is there and waiting for us to access it.  Love does not leave our being completely even when someone walks out of our life.  The truth is that we seek self-esteem by being with another person.  We believe that the key to love is for one person to love us or just be with us.  Love is deep inside of you always.  It does not go on vacation and it does not betray you or abandon you.  Love is a source of God that is there for the asking and we need not earn it or do anything drastic to get it.  We don't have to sell out to get love and we don't need to comply to anything.  Love is our right of birth.  Love is ours always.

Getting back our love and light is not easy but it is very simple, as simple as this:

1. Take it back:
Taking your love back is step one.  Just decide to take it back.  It is there and ready to meet you.  Love is as simple as a decision, a intentional decision on our part.  Just take your love back and be relentless about it if you need to be.  Take it back even if you have to talk to the love inside of you and negotiate a take back.  It is there and there for the asking.  Just ask and act with loving intention.

2. Have faith, dig deeper:
If you have some faith and it does not take a lot of it, just know that you are going to feel that love again and that this time it will be inner love and not love someone seemed to take with them due to your own dependency.  Faith will help you to get that love back.

3. Meditate and Manifest it:
Meditation is holding reverence and holding your heart up and respecting this moment.  It is said to be healing and calming and I for one believe it because I have done it and felt the wonderful and magical healing.  Meditate about bring the love back to your center, your spirit.  Do this every day or night or both times until you realize love.

4. Know you deserve it: Commit to the idea that you deserve love and joy and light.  If you commit to this idea and belief then you will experience love beyond what you can imagine.  Don't allow this idea that you must be in a relationshp and "in love" to be in a place of love.

5. Get the obstacles cleared:
Clear you life of whatever is in the path of love.  A bad relationship with anyone in your life is where we must all start.  Is that relationship toxic and at any time made you feel low?  If that answer is yes then you may consider ending that relationship or at least taking a long break from it.  Get all the obstacles out of the way.  If it is drugs or alcohol then get into a detox program or maybe a 12 step program.  Whatever the obstacles do all you can to address it with courage and conviction.  Fear not what you need to do but rather fear the consequence of not doing what you need to do to get to where you want to be: in love and in a loving place in your life.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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