Are You Self Entitled?

I feel exhausted from the people I either know well or have met who are self-entitled.  These are the people who think that they deserve everything even if it costs someone else money and even if it does not belong to them.  They use to be called moochers which is a word for people who take, take and take some more, giving little to nothing back.  They are the ones who lose their job, stay with you, eat your food and drink your milk and don't contribute in any way.  In a word they feel "entitled".  Entitled to other people's things, entitled to getting what they want when they want it without regard for others, taking what they need without asking and leaching off of others without spending a dime.  They are on top of it all as one would guess, selfish.  

Family members are likely the most entitled folks we know because they think that if they are related to us by blood that we are here to serve them.  They are the mothers, the sisters, the sons, the cousins and the brothers who feel entitled simply based on the fact that they are related to you.  This group of people are the most selfish and seem to think that you should lend them money or give them your old car because you are suppose to love them that way.  They use their position in your life to take what is yours and make it their own.  Family members are the most guilty of taking what is not their things from you without asking and believing that this is not stealing when in fact it is.  

We are fortunate in one way becaue identifying a selfish being is not that difficult yet standing our ground and expressing our truth to them is not as easy as one may think.  We fear abandonment especially someone we love and care about.  We will accept unacceptable things from people who are self-entitled and take from us without asking and with this presumption attitude.  Nevertheless we must stand our ground with these folks who are takers and say no in the nicest manner we can.  We must decide to set our boundaries with them right from the start if we are to be helpful to them at all.  By setting our boundaries with presumptuous people we are teaching them a good lesson they might likely not learn.  

Whenever you are tempted to help someone else remember to help yourself by not enabling them and putting yourself in a compromising position or one you cannot afford.  Check in with yourself and ask why you are helping someone who you may already knwo has a presumptuous attitude of taking and not giving much.  Don't pretend to help that person by giving them everything they want from you knowing they have an issue with taking and not giving back.  It may be true that giving without any regard for receiving is a godly way but when someone takes advantage of others and we give too much to them they continue to take advantage of everyone.  When we say no we may be the one to bring that person a reality check and by doing so we honor them more.  

Are you a self-entitled person?  Do you make the assumption that someone you love should be serving you or giving things to you?  Do you take things from relatives that don't belong to you?  Are you quick to get upset if you don't get your way?  Are you selfish with your money or things?  We must all ask ourselves these questions and understand that we are not the only ones on this earth who need a hand and that when others do things for us it is a good habit to show we appreciate it.  There is nothing quite as rude as a self-entitled, selfish or presumptuous person.  There is nothing quite as beautiful as a person who lives in awareness and is willing to share with others, make amends and give when appropriate.  


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