What About Oprah? Where is she now?

Oprah as many people know and some don't has established a number of new ways to communicate her brand of love to all of us.  She has established shows like: Life Class, Master Life Class, Believe, Where Are They Now, The Best of Oprah and an endless amount of specials one of which was a week of honoring African Americans hosting events that were attended by some of the most famous people in the world.  Her Believe series blew my mind in that it presented ways that people worship and heal that I would not have ever knew existed including a retreat were people posted their pictures and thoughts in a large structure that would be burned in the end, a healing activity unlike any I have ever seen.  Oprah has not retired and I for one am grateful because not one person has brought her brand of love, compassion, healing or television like her.  Oprah could have easily packed her bags and moved to an island yet she did not do this and what I believe is that she did this because she knew we still needed her special brand of wisdom and courage.  Most of all Oprah new that there was healing that needed to happen for many of us and that she would continue to share her life, knowledge and money with us.

When Oprah announced that she would be retiring I was still not a fan of hers.  I fell into the category of neutral and in fact I think that my issue with her were my own issues with myself.  I thought: "What does this person know that I don't know?" What I found out was that I was projecting my own limitations on another human being just because she was rich and I was not.  What would she know about me?  This was another one of my questions.  Yet when she announced she would retire I felt a deep regret.  I thought to myself: Why did I not listen more and open my heart up more to Oprah?  What is going to happen to programming now?  No one can take her place.  It was with fear and sadness that I thought about her leaving our lives, my life, for good.  Luckily she decided to stay in the business of mentoring people in our country where I realized we are in so much need of.  When she announced that she would be starting her own network like others I was concerned.  I did not think that we were ready for her to become more of who she was and yet I was so wrong.  I am now delighted to have been wrong.  I am so happy that she did not retire and that she has demonstrated to me and the world that one woman can make a deep difference.  She is a woman who has brought many other great mentors to our attention including Don Miquel Ruiz and Sonia Choquette.  She is fearless in her willingness to bring others to the forefront and promote others without fearing her own power and by empowering others like a transgender woman or a gay couple.

Oprah will and must live in our hearts long after she decides to stop working if in fact she decides to retire.  Her brand of knowledge and spiritual beliefs will continue to have an impact no matter what happens.  I want to honor Oprah for being a person, a woman of color and a human being who loves us enough to continue to bring her special offerings to each of us who needs it.  She is a beautiful, elegant, tactful, fair, understanding and compassionate human being.  Please allow me to say  Thank you Oprah Winfrey for loving us enough to do the work you do and not giving up on humanity.

Elliottt M. Collazo


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