A New Year's Evolution

I don't believe in resolutions because there is nothing in us to resolve.  What I do feel strongly is in the more accurate thought of New Year's Evolutions because in our life we evolve to a higher level of vibration and living.  I don't recommend that others resolve this or that aspect of their life but I do recommend that we all look at our life and determine where we can evolve and grow.  This year I would ask myself where in my life I can grow and make goals based on the thought that I am whole and complete as I am and that I am not making an attempt at fixing myself.  After all God made me as I am and I am more than acceptable in this form.  This is why I share with others that uncovering more of who they already are is the real evolution of their already beautiful self.  Not one of us needs to be fixed because this my beloveds implies that we are broken and thinking we are broken means that something is wrong with us.  To view ourselves as having something wrong with us to begin with is a negative way to begin a new year.

With this said here are some ways to being to evolve this year:

1.  Make a list of ways that you feel you could evolve and select a couple of these ways you will grow.  Take two or three things from your list to focus on evolving at.  Remember that you are not fixing anything because you are not broken.

2. Start a plan of actions that you are willing to take to evolve into more of who you are, becoming a stronger person of conviction.  Consider every part of your humanness: spiritual, emotional, physical, financial-abundance.

3.  Think about the area in your life where you can become more authentic to who you and decide how you will evolve in that area.  The most important thing to think about is that being honest is being loving to your self.

4.  Think about what is acceptable to you and what is not acceptable in relationships and list the boundaries that you will set to ensure that you get what you deserve and are treated in a way that is loving and respectful.  One of your boundaries may be that put downs of any kind are not acceptable, since many times we couch them in a joke and no put down is funny.

5. Remember that the way you perceive yourself is going to drive your actions.  Look at yourself as whole, complete, worthy and magical.  Think positively about your personality and your body.  Everything about you is valuable and your perception of your life will affect your life.

6. Consider evaluating your relationships with others and how you want to continue to have a relationship with each and every person in your life.  Begin to have higher expectations of others and decide who in your life is what I refer to as inactive.  Consider bringing some new relationships into your life and possibly letting go of some of your current ones.  Do this with love.

7. Start to look at money as a source of abundance rather than a problem.  Focus more on what you have rather than what is monetarily missing.  Believe that you are a magnet for financial abundance and look at every gift you have that could translate into more wealth.

8.  Your spiritual part is one of the most important aspects of who you are hence this is an area where you might want to take a closer look at how you can enhance your spiritual life.  This could involve prayer, joining a spiritual community or daily medication.  Remember that you are a spiritual being and that this is a part of you that is always evolving.

9. Sit in silence and reverence for a few minutes and think about your emotional self.  How healthy is that aspect of you and what is it that you need to grow in this area of your life.  Your emotional self will ask you over and over what it needs if you listen closely.  Evolving in this area of who you are is imperative and in the end will grow by simply loving yourself.

10.  Our body image should be more about being healthy than being thin.  It has become a truly crucial issue of health when women and men become so obsessed with their body image that they get seriously ill.  Our health and welfare if more of a positive focus and this is where we must place our energy and transformation.  Eating healthier foods and small meals throughout the day tells our body that we love our selves.  This year focus on how to be a healthier you and take the emphasis off of beauty and place it where it belongs, on health.

The approach that I want others to consider is one of acceptance and authenticity.  Being honest with yourself does not have to be about being critical of yourself and putting yourself down.  Looking at each area of your life and making a mental list of your beautiful gifts and assets is a better place to start your evolution.  Happy New Year and enjoy your journey of transformation.


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