If I Were You

If I were you I would not do that.  If I were you I would dump that asshole.  If I were you I would not wear that shirt again.  If I were you I would paint that green.  If I were you, oh wait I am not you.

So many times we think we know what is best for someone and often times we figure that out based on what we think we would do.  Not only do we not know what we would do if we had not been through that situation we don't have any business telling others what they should do based on your truth or our opinion.  It is not fair to tell anyone what to do based on what we'd do.  It just does not make any sense.

If there is a person in your life that says: "if I were you" think about it before you do what they would or think they would do.  Nothing spells disaster more than letting someone else convince you of doing things based on what they would do.  Although we often ask" What would God do?", people are not quite so wise as one would attribute one's higher power to be.  No one really knows what is good for you and those who think they do are more likely to be wrong.

I use to love to solicit advise when on one asked me.  I use to think that giving my two cents was worth two million.  Well lucky for me I found out quickly that no one wants to know what I would do and that no one is going to pay me to tell them what to do.  In fact even when I have been paid to coach someone I never gave them advice as to what to specific pally do in their life about their issues.

Once in a while someone asks me what they should do.  My response to them has been: "I believe you know what you need to do".  When someone asks us to tell them what to do there is nothing wrong with sharing what we think as long as we are clear that we are not saying or recommending they do what we would do.


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