How to Release and Let Go

I often do a releasing ceremony at almost every workshop I host.  The releasing ceremony is one that provides a chance for people to let go of the past, face some fear and begin anew.  Here is an easy release ceremony that you can do with your friends, loved ones or alone:

Find a place where you feel safe and have privacy.  Put on some meditation music.  Sit or lay in a comfortable spot, close your eyes and begin to take deep and profound breaths.  Inhale through your nose and exhale from your mouth counting to ten as you inhale and then as you exhale.  Take your time.

As you are inhaling envision inhaling peace and light and as you exhale visualize exhaling stress or tension.  Let your body relax and ask each part of your body to relax by stating: "I am relaxing my feet, my feet are now relaxed" and go on to each part of your body from your feet to your head.  Lay or sit in silence staying aware of your breath and bringing yourself to the present moment.  Mantras like: "I am in the present moment" are good and will help you stay focused.  Continue until you feel completion for at least ten minutes.

As you come to awareness and open your eyes, pat your heart gently.

Now it is time to release something that you feel you have been carrying around for a long time like anger, resentment towards some person, sadness or a specific fear.  Being by thinking about what you need to release and then write it down in one short phrase or sentence.  An example of something you might release and write may be: "I release my fear of rejection" or "I release my false belief that I am unworthy" or "I let go of the fears that are impeding my growth and joy".

Prepare a safe place to burn the paper with your releasing statement such as a metal bowl or a burning bowl and a candle lighter.  A you burn the paper stating what you are releasing and healing from make the statement about what you are releasing out loud and watch the paper burn.  Picture this challenge being released and healed as you decide to let go of it.

For 21 days after your personal burning and releasing reinforce the truth of what you released by making the statement throughout the day (up to ten times or more a day) like: "I am fearless and nothing impedes my joy" or "I am worthy of all the beauty the world has to offer".  Make your statements more like affirmations.  Affirm the truth over and over until your mind believes it and will behave according to your thoughts.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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