The Games Men Play

Men will play you if you allow it.  The longer you allow them to play games with you the more likely it will be that it will continue and worsen.  Men don't respect women who allow them to play them.  Women who allow men to play them will get played, it is that simple.  When we know the games men play and we put an end to it immediately then and only then will they stop playing the game.

Some of the typical games men play are:

1. The you made me do it game Abusive men who go out on you will convince you that the reason they did it is because you made them do it.  Although this may not have made any sense in the past when you love someone it is hard to identify BS from reality.  No one can make someone be a jerk and for anyone to explain their behavior by blaming you is like blaming a woman who has been raped because her skirt was too short.  What you should be assured about is any man who blames you for any of their behaviors is not the one you want to be with.  A man who blames is one who does not hold himself accountable for their own bad behavior whether it is going out on you or calling you names.

2. The Feel sorry for me game:  Men use the feel sorry for me card when they share all the horrible things that they have undergone and how awful their life has been, be it abusisve parents or a cheating spouse.  This game has only one goal and that is that you feel sorry for them and you try to fix them.  Compassionate women fall for this game all the time.  Men who come with a lot of baggage and some tears are very convincing to women who are kind and want to be maternal with them.

3. The my mother is perfect game:  Alias: Why can't you be like her? Any man that sells their mother as perfect is hiding something and is also setting you up.  Their obsession with their mommy and how wonderful and perfect she was is simply a set up and like many women you will try to live up to that perfection and in fact end up being like a mother to him, taking care of his needs as though he was a child.  The perfect mommy game is truly a con game that men play on women and every woman should understand that being in a marriage with a man like this will be hell.  In many cases it is their mommy who will disrespect you and who he will not protect you from.  No mom is perfect and if any man says she is she is likely your worse nightmare and she will be in bed with you and your husband (figuratively) when she should be in her own bed.  Frankly her crawling into your bed is the only thing left for some of them (perfect mom's) to do.

4. The no one likes me game: This little sob story is another one of those silly games men play on women.  It is hard not to fall for it when the stories seem likely and true, but understand that even if they are true no real man would ask you to believe that people don't like him in order for you to feel compassion for them and give them more than they deserve.  Besides no one can or should claim that no one likes them.  If it were true that no one likes them then the first thing to open your eyes to as that there must be a reason no one likes him.  The reality is that you will likely come to the conclusion that you don't like him either based on his behavior.

5. The I am perfectly fine game: Men love to reserve the truth when it is to their benefit.  They will present themselves as perfect and having had a perfect life when in fact their life was much more traumatic than they will admit.  This game is the opposite of the feel sorry for me game.  In this game they had a great life and guess what?  You did not.  Not only will they point that out to you they will lie about what happened in their life that was less than perfect.  I will never forget the line that one woman's husband shared with her in the beginning and that was: "I came from the Leave it to Beaver family".  At it turned out he was all of the above and depicted his life as great in order to make her feel as though she had a lousy life.  If a man tells you he had a perfect upbringing be suspicious and understand that he may very well be hiding something that you will later be confronted with.  In this case it was a mom who a was a maniac and insulted her at every turn.

If you know that game you will simply not play it because games do not have any place in a healthy relationship.

Elliott Maximo Colazo


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