Why Focus on You? Here's why.

Often times we are distracted by others because we become more focused and even obsessed with what they are doing.  Keeping our eye on ourselves is likely one of the most crucial of life skills.  I believe that when we are constantly focused on others even to the degree that we are judgemental of them it is because we are not wanting to face something inside of our self.  Something about us needs to be addressed and it feels easier to take that focus off of where it belongs when we are living in fear around something in our life that needs to be addressed.  To say that facing our fears is essential to healing is truly an understatement.  As Nina Simone so beautiful shared in her documentary when someone asked her: "What does freedom mean to you?"  "Freedom is when we let go of the fear".

We are truly free when we let go of what we fear and we focus on ourselves.  When we make our self the priority over every one else we are living in our truth and fearlessly.  When we let go of the idea that when we love our self we are selfish we will begin a journey that will resonate to our core and our spiritual being.  Keeping our eyes on the person we are and the actions we take or avoid taking is likely the direct route to creating an authentic life where we can become all that we were meant to be.

Rising up inside of each of us is the notion that who we are is not enough but that is only because we compare our self to every one else.  We must stop comparing ourselves with everyone else and know fully that we are perfectly made as we are.  Comparing our self to others is minimizing our own special talents and our own special beauty.  Every time we do this we bring our spirit down a level and then rising up is harder and harder to accomplish.  Know that you are who you are and that success, beauty and talent is measured by your own standards.  Allowing others to measure you or measuring your self by others is a one way route to misery.

Keep your eyes on your self.  Focus on what you need to do for your own inner peace.  Do things that you love to do and be where you feel safe and loved.  Keep your eyes and your focus on doing things that will help you to grow and stop comparing yourself to others that you may be falsely believing are doing so much more than you are.  The prize that you are looking for is inside of you.  The person who loves you the most is inside of you.  The person who needs to be nurtured is you and the person who your eyes should stay on is you.

Be the beloved for yourself.  


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