Four Things Women Should Know About Men

There are a lot of good men out there and on the other hand some bad ones you don't want to get stuck with for a long time.  If you think you have all the wisdom you need to determine who the men are that are passive aggressive, cheaters, married or playing a game, think again.  The men who are in any of the four categories are well versed in what they do and there is not a book you can read that will bypass this game playing type of men.  Being alert and honest with yourself will prevent men like this from penetrating your sacred space and life.  When you are armed with some simple information about this kind of man you will find that the most important aspect of your life is to live in your authenticity and have boundaries that make sense.

Here are the four important things women should know about men:

1. If he acts like a duck and quacks like a duck, he is a duck and will always be a duck: 
So duck!
When you begin to see the signs of something is not quite right then it is not.  Men are who the are and they will likely not change their basic mode of being.  If he is quacking or meowing or mooing take his word for it, he is a duck, cat or cow.  Nothing will change that, not even you.

2. If he cheated on his former wife or girlfriend he will cheat on you too: 
A man who is not faithful who claims to be when he cheated on his former wife with you is going to do the same to you.  You can almost bet money on it.  He cheated on her and eventually he will cheat on you.  It is especially important to listen to what men say about their former relationships because what they say about themselves is usually spot on.  Women who think that a man who goes out on his girlfriend is not going to do the same thing to you is in one word "delusional".

3. If you are sensing that he is married he probably is: 
I recall a friend of mine saying she'd met a man and that he did not have a phone so she contacted him at his mom's home phone.  He also claimed he lived with his mother.  He lied on both counts and as soon as I heard the story I shared: "this guy is married".  Several months later she found out that he was married, she stayed in the relationship and he divorced his wife but did not marry her.  In fact, he married a third woman, one that was likely a side kick the entire time.  If you listen carefully you will be able to determine that a man you are with is married.  Pay attention.

4. If he's not that into you he is not that in to you so walk, run, take the train or plane out of his life:
If a man is not that into you he just isn't and nothing will change that.  When men are aloof and disconnected from you they are likely not feeling you or not as attracted to you as much as you are to him.  Pick up the clue phone and understand that when a man is not that into you it is likely that he will continue to not be that into you.  You want a man who pays attention and who is attentive but not a stalker type.  Open your eyes wide and close your legs tightly until you know whether he is that into you.  If he really likes you then he will wait or the total you.

There you have it.  Whether you are a female who is empower in areas of you life or one who may think more traditionally these four characteristics of men might be helpful to you.

Elliott Maximo Collazo


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