My New Life-My New Bed

Today my new king size bed was delivered and with that a new message of self-love and a symbol of a new beginning.  No one else except my own children will ever sleep or spend any amount of time on this bed.  It will remain a sacred spot for me to spend time on reading, writing, sleeping and relaxing in.  Getting rid of the old bed and mattress was also a symbol of letting go and releasing any energy that I no longer wanted in my life.  The bed where I slept with someone who I allowed to control me, manipulate me and abuse me was for me never one I would sleep or ever want to sleep in.  In fact until it was picked up I slept anywhere else including the carpeted floor.  Today is for me a celebration of my life alone as a happy single person who is healing each day and starting a new path of self-love.

With this said I affirm: "I am beginning a beautiful loving journey that is filled with the joy of God and the nurturing of Goddess".

When we begin again it is sometimes a good idea to at least release the mattress of our bed.  It is that place where there is energy of the past and this energy is strong and intimate.  For some of us moving out of state is another option and getting completely away from the place where we reside.  A move to another apartment or home may be sufficient to feel as though we are starting over again.  My new home is across the pond from the old one where I lived for a few weeks with the person who I choose to run out of my life, although that running him out is the operative word, I am not completely proud of it, however happy that it is over and has been for almost two years.  Starting over is different for each person and what I want to share here is that it is important that each of us letting abusive relationships behind us be compassionate with ourselves and do everything possible to heal and begin a wonderful and magical life.  Mine has become more and more magical as time has healed me and my new journey brought new experiences of love, self-love.

I was talking to my sister in law yesterday and she shared that I should consider not ever getting married or "seal the deal" again.  I agreed because frankly my plan of action does not include taking care of another dysfunctional man whose mommy pampered and made believe he was god's gift to the earth and who does not believe in any higher power.  Learning this was hard enough lesson once, never mind again.  There is much to be said of good about being single and doing what one likes when one likes every day of the year, day in and day out.  I for one cherish my alone time and more now than ever I warm grateful that there is not someone in my sacred space, my home or my bed.  I get to roll all around the bed and not be asked to massage someone and I get to eat leftover Spanish rice with friend eggs.

This year is my year of unfolding and of beginnings.  My intention is to live my life fully and to be more conscious of my surroundings and the subtle messages in my life.  My intention is to listen more than I speak and to be around the positive loving energy with others that have the ability to give and flow in life.  My intention is to keep my new home sacred and allow only the most loving people inside of it.  My intention is to live a life alone as a single person and travel to India and France and Spain.  For me and I hope for you as well, let there be newness in every aspect of our lives: spiritually, emotionally, physically, creatively and financially (abundance).  The final question that I would ask of all of you is: "Where in your life does there need to be an application of love?" Happy New Year everyone.


  1. I can relate to your story. I recently caved in and bought a new pillow-top mattress. Its been 15 years I think, and what a difference. I just thought my bed was fine until I got to sleep one night on a new mattress. My body feels 10 years younger when I get up in the morning now, completely rejuvenated and refreshed.

    Dante Storey @ Healthy Bed Store


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