Stand On Your Line: Set Boundaries

As many of you know I am inspired by Iynala Vanzant.  As recently as a day ago a young lady I met made this statement about Iyanla.  "She's not qualified to counsel others".  I took a deep breath knowing that I could have easily gotten stupid and reacted to her unqualified self and that what this young lady needed to hear was the truth about her and about me.  I responded with: "Actually she is not a counselor she is a life coach.  She and I attended the same school and she has a master's in Spiritual Psychology like me.  She is almost overqualified to give advise and counsel others although what she does is very different from counseling.  I admire her work and she as well as I were trained well in life skills that we share with others."  I am very proud to say that I stood up and drew my line and did not allow her to cross it when she made such a sweeping statement about a woman who is not only well educated she has experienced life to it's fullest.  That alone makes her qualified.

For many years I did not set my boundaries, draw the line and stand up for what I believed in and felt.  I did not understand that of everything that is important in life boundaries are the very first task at hand.  I realized that allowing others to cross my boundaries was one of the most dreadful and negative things I did to myself.  This alone makes me qualified to talk about setting your boundaries. There are after all many people on this earth who do know how to set boundaries and for this reason are successful and rarely have to feel remorse because they put a stop to any person who dishonors them right away.  That is what Standing up on your line means, setting the boundaries and saying no to any form of disrespect and letting the world know what you are about and not about.

I am not aligned with passive aggressive people and for a long time I was one of them.  I want people to say "fuck you" to me to my face if need be.  I would rather someone say fuck you to my face than to pretend they like me.  I would rather someone send me straight to hell than act as though they like me and then behind my back stab me repeatedly with their deeds and their words.  I believe that seeing my boundaries is giving others a gift because I am being clear about what I find acceptable and not.  I understand that being in my integrity means that I have limits and a line that should not ever be crossed and that if someone does it is because I allowed them to.

This is your journey and your life folks so set the limits and the boundaries that honor you always/. Do not let others cross your boundaries.  I am sixty two years old and frankly I am just getting started.  You can be who you are and you can start anew no matter what your age and no matter what your situation. Setting your boundaries now is the very best thing you can do for your life and self.  Setting your boundaries is the most crucial thing you will do but sticking to them will be the most sacred thing you will accomplish.


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