4 Clues That It Is Time to Walk

There are many people who stay in relationships much to long.  To their dismay when they do end it often times it is unpleasant and other times with a lot of resentments.  Staying in a bad relationship is more likely the longer you are in the relationship but there are many clues, some key ones, that will tell you that it is time to walk away and end  it.

These are some early signs of a relationship that will likely end poorly:

1.  Being Cheap:
People who are cheap and insist on making you pay half of everything is a sure sign of someone who you may not want to pursue.  If on the first date when someone invites you out to eat or have coffee they don't pay the bill it is an early sign that they are cheap.  People who are cheap with their money often times are cheap with their feelings, often times not very giving or not forthright in sharing their love.  They are cheap in other areas as well.

2.  Not Being Romantic:
If from the start a person you are seeing or dating is not romantic this is another good sign that you may want to walk, especially if you are a romantic person and feel as though you need romance in a relationship.  I myself require it and it does not have to be in the form of expensive gifts.  A person can be romantic by simply occasionally writing you a lovely note, giving you a card or a single rose for no reason.  It does not have to be a special occasion for a romantic person to share something of love with you.  Be careful of people who start off very romantic as they are sometimes the ones who stop being romantic along the way.  Get to know a person before you determine if they can hold the romance longer into the relationship and longer than it takes to get your attention.

3.  Controlling and Self-Serving (Me, Me, Me Type Person):
A good reason to be concerned is when someone is controlling and only wants to do what they like to do.  People who are controlling are self-serving and don't do things you like to do simply because it is "not their thing".  A person like this is controlling and will only do what they like to do with you and expect you to participate, not caring about or asking you what you would like to do or what brings you pleasure.  They like to control what you both do and when with a schedule of events they set up and that you are to simply go along with them.  They may on occasion do something you like to do but what you will notice in their body language is that they do not enjoy it.  It is not that you want someone to like everything you like but that this person be willing to do some of the things you like to do.  Having more in common is best.  Opposites do attract but they don't stay attracted.

4.  Inequality:
People who are self-entitled are ones who expect you to do all the work whether it is about the relationship or the household you live in.  If someone is not carrying their weight from the start then this is a sign that they feel entitled to being served and doing the least amount of work  possible.  They are the ones whose homes look really bad and who will later prove to be lazy when it comes to household chores of any kind.  We all want to be in an equal relationship and it makes sense because if you are stuck doing most of the work you will eventually get tired of it and there is nothing worse than fights over the responsibilities of a home and doing your share.  Again, self-entitled people do as little as possible in this area of a relationship and some believe that housework is something you do when your home starts to smell of mildew and old food in the fridge.  An equal partner does their share from the beginning without being asked to do it.

These are some early signs that perhaps you are barking up the wrong tree and that a person you are dating or living with is not the right person for you.  Any of these four signals should be sufficient to get you to think about whether you want to be with a person or not.  Most of these signs do not manifest right away but if you keep quiet they will come forth early in the relationship.  Take at least one year to get to know a person and even then when you begin to live together note the changes that take place.  Is that person the same as the one you met just 12 months ago?  Cheap, controlling, self-serving, lazy people that don't do their part are not good partners or spouses.  In fact these folks are usually people who will use you and when they are done will go on to the next person and do the very same thing they did to you.  The key is to take your time and allow the real person to come out by remaining neutral and calm and by not rushing.


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