Wake Up Happy Every Day!

There are times in our life when getting up is a burden and the first thing we think about is what is wrong with our life.  It could be that we have financial issues, are in a poor relationship, have s life threatening illness or an addiction of some kind.  Whatever the reason we get up feeling down we need not be fearful of it but rather face it and find ways to lighten the emotional effect it has on us.  So what are the keys to opening our joy up and eliminating the bad feelings?

Here are some tips:

1. It is true that what we think about most is what happens in our life most, negatively or positively.  We must begin to think in a positive manner and when we get up negative allow ourselves a few minutes to shift that feeling by talking ourselves out of it.  Always remember that what you think about you magnify in your life so do your best to think good thoughts.

2. Write an intention prior to going to bed.  Just before you retire into your safe and comfortable bed write down what your intention is for the morning or next day.  Your intention may be to wake up with gratitude or with joy in your heart: "I will awaken with gratitude and joy in my heart".

3. Begin with prayer or meditation.  Start your day with a prayer or meditate for a few minutes.  Sit up for this exercise and sit in a comfortable spot.  Play some music that is comforting for you as an additional element.  Take some time for some reverence and inner peace by holding silence.

4. Stop eating or drinking at least a couple of hours before your usual bedtime.  It is especially important to realize that things with sugar may be the culprit to getting up feeling sluggish or in a difficult place.  Eating late at night will weigh heavily on us and contribute to a poor mode in the morning.  A soothing tea without caffeine would be a better option to a can of coke or coffee.

5. Write an affirmation for the next day or for the week.  In your affirmation you are stating what you want to happen most and it is worded in a positive way.  Here is an affirmation that is positive and affirming: " I am feeling the joy and abundance in my life".  Affirmations are positive statements that are used to convince our subconscious mind that all is well.

6. Do positive things in your life each day.  Make an effort to be affirming to others and kind to everyone.  Think things that are of light and not of darkness.  Refuse to be entangled in gossip or any other type of negative behaviors with yourself and others.  By avoiding negative talk and negative behaviors we lift our vibration and we create more light and joy in our life.

Nothing is fool proof for ridding ourselves of the thoughts and deeds that effect our serenity and our happiness and yet there are ways to work through those mornings when we get up feeling heavy hearted or sad.  It may be that we are candidates for medications that help us to address a chemical imbalance which is something we should speak to a doctor about.  It may also be necessary to find a therapist who can walk us through our sadness and help us to tackle the morning blues.  However we address it we must know that we are not alone and that this too we can work on to heal within our selves.  Coping alone is not going to make things go away but rather addressing them with an action like the ones suggested and the ones a life coach or therapist can help you to come up with.  Happiness is not an illusion.  Happiness is real and doing things we love to do will help elevate our mood.  Taking care of our whole self is the other not forgetting that we are spiritual, physical, emotional and creative beings.  Life is a life time project.  Life is a lifetime of work.


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