Five Paths to Healing

In life healing ourselves is a life long journey.  We may not want to hear this truth yet what we learn in living is that life is a constant journey as is our healing.  Perhaps if we were to be healed immediately we'd not have a purpose for living.

In my own life and in my mentoring of others I have learned some basic healing methods:

1. Forgiveness:
The only way to heal from the hurt and the pain is to be in a place of forgiveness.  Once we forgive others who we deem have wronged us we heal ourselves immensely.

2. Release anger:
Release your anger about everything and anything you have experienced that has made you feel angry.  As I have shared on many occassions, "Anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.  Anger is poison and this is the very basis of why we must let it go.  Releasing the anger begins with forgiving others and it also means that we must just let it go.  Anger can only be replaced with peace and serenity and peace can only come with rituals that bring peace and serenity.  For each of us it is different: prayer, meditation, exercise, chanting, creating things, writing and other ways that we feel are best for us.

3. Writing:
Write about your feelings.  Write about what hurt you no matter how far back you need to go.  Write freely and without any censoring of your feelings or the words that you use.  Let your feelings out as though you are talking to a counselor or a close friend that you trust.  There may be some benefit in writing and then responding to yourself afterwards.  Healing comes to us when we simply let the feelings of hurt, resentment or anger out.  Once you have finished writing about it destroy it.

4. Get Help:
There is nothing wrong with admitting that you need help.  A counselor, a life coach or a psychiatrist are some of the choices.  Some prefer to see their pastor or priest for mentorship.  Remembering that we don't have to do it alone is key to healing ourselves.  We don't have to feel alone and there are many types of professionals and programs that can help us including twelve step programs.  There are support groups of every kind and finding them is as easy as looking on the internet.  Get the help you deserve and need to heal.  There are many good people in the business of helping others to heal and begin a new life.

5. Begin a path of self-loving acts:
Do things that demonstrate that you love yourself.  Take a warm bath with candles.  Take yourself to a movie or for a long walk in the park.  Do things that are self-nurturing and that send your spirit the message that you are important and that you deserve love.  Self-loving acts are as numerous as your imagination.  The thing to remember is that self-nurturing people are healthier in every way and that every aspect of your life needs some intentional loving.


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