Are You High Functioning or Low Functioning?

There are characteristics of a high functioning person and one that is low functioning.

A high functioning person is:
1. Life smart
2. Able to handle situations well
3. Does their part in ANY relationship of ANY kind
4. Is independent and able to do things on their own
5. Has ideas and can contribute to any social situation

A low functioning person is:
1. Life dumb (I think I coined this phrase)
2. Does not handle situations well that come up
3. Does not do their part in ANY kind of relationship (expects others to do everything)
4. Is lazy about ideas and rides on the coat tail of others ideas, expecting them to do all the work
5. Is dependent and weighs others down by taking too much and expecting too much

Allow me to expound on life smart people:

1. Life smart people do well in day to day living.  They know how to handle situations and surpass the people who are book smart because many of the people with degrees cannot handle daily life situations or issues that come up.  People who are life smart know what to say to whom and when carefully choosing their words and being in an acute awareness around what they say, are thinking and doing.  Life smart people know how to handle other people who are either sad, angry or feeling anxious.  The life smart people know what the proper behaviors are in life and they have an intentional and smart way of addressing situations and people.  Life smart people know the basics of tending to a home and selecting times for doing things and completing things.

2. High Functioning people are able to handle situations well.  They can show up in circumstances that are difficult and come up with ways to handle it whether it is a serious illness or a termination of a friendship.  When a person is highly functional they know to think first before they act on things.  They stay in control of their feelings and actions while at the same time resolving the problem.

3. When we do our part in any situation and relationship that means we carry our weight in the relationship and we give and we are gracious in receiving.  We make certain to note what it is that someone in a relationship with us might be asking for or need.  We have an ability to read body language. We have the ability to understand what others are saying or feeling because we are tuned in.

4. An independent person is one who is able to function on their own without a need to always have someone to depend on.  They tend to be people who you don't have to tell what to do and when, they already know it.  Independent people can keep themselves happy and don't depend on anyone to make them happy.  Being an independent person is being a person how can be alone and be just as a happy happy as they are in a relationship.

5. Having ideas of things to do to have fun socially is a sign of a high functioning person.  This person can come up with fun, intellectual, interesting things to do like going to see a play or taking a tour of the gardens in the area they live in.  Highly functioning people have ideas and they are varied.  They don't do the same things all the time every time for fun and they don't limit the things they do for enjoyment.  They can be in any social situation and know how to behave and flow with it.

On the converse of Functional people are the ones who are low functioning:

1. Low functioning people are "life dumb" (my words)
People who are life dumb don't know how to address situations and often times say truly stupid things often.  They are the people who say they don't have a censor or that they are brutally honest when in fact they are just rude.  They are the opposite of life smart folks and don't know how to wash a dish or how to load a dishwasher.  They are often times lazy.
To be continued:


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